raining and a little humid, but the animals don’t seem to mind. There are thousands of species of
Animals, as well as plants, in the Amazon. It does rain a lot and there aren't really changes in
seasons. The soil isn’t the greatest in the Amazon. There are surprisingly many different tribes
Here. There are many things to talk about after being here in the Amazon.
There are a variety of animals in rainforests. This includes many types of monkeys, frogs,
gorillas, wild cats, birds, snakes, and insects. The amount of wildlife here is amazing, and the
diversity of rainforests can’t be topped by any other region. Since i’ve arrived here, i’ve tried …show more content…
There are over 1000 types of frogs in the
rainforest and about 6 different species of monkeys. It is also home to the world's largest land rodent,
the capybara.
Plant life in rainforests flourish due to the amount of rain and the weather. It is home the
worlds biggest flower, the rafflesia arnoldii, which can grow up to 3 feet across and 15 pounds.
It is also home to the Kapok trees, which are the tallest trees in the rainforest, some reaching up to
200 feet tall. These trees can also make up to 4,000 fruits at a time. Deadly nightshade is one of the
is one of the deadliest plants in the rainforest. The berries that grow on the plant are extremely
toxic, and can cause a various amount of symptoms.
There are many climate facts about the rainforest that people may not have known. One is
that rainforests don’t actually have the seasons that we do. They separate into 2 seasons, the wet
and the dry seasons, which both last around 6 months. They get over 100 inches of rain a year,
hence the name rainforest. The rainforest usually stays around 80 degrees all year round. In the
rainforest i’m in currently in, the longitude and latitude is 3.4653° S, 62.2159° W. The soil in