The Environmentalists, Rubber Tappers, and Natives all want whats best for the rainforest and its precious creatures. The Rubber Tappers are a group in the rainforest that do not harm the trees, by safely collecting the rubber sap to be made into many things. They are angry with many of the loggers and ranchers, feeling that their land is being taken away. I agree, I feel that they deserve a right to the land because they do not harm it. Also, I feel the Natives are the group who deserves much of the land as well. The Natives were in the rainforest first, as they have been for thousands of years. They have no other place to go but where they are, they have customs and ways of life that play into their
The Environmentalists, Rubber Tappers, and Natives all want whats best for the rainforest and its precious creatures. The Rubber Tappers are a group in the rainforest that do not harm the trees, by safely collecting the rubber sap to be made into many things. They are angry with many of the loggers and ranchers, feeling that their land is being taken away. I agree, I feel that they deserve a right to the land because they do not harm it. Also, I feel the Natives are the group who deserves much of the land as well. The Natives were in the rainforest first, as they have been for thousands of years. They have no other place to go but where they are, they have customs and ways of life that play into their