Buckets are known as a container for storing objects in Amazon S3. For example, the object named photos/puppies.jpg is stored in the Johan smith bucket, and then it is addressable using the URL http://johansmith.s3.amazonaws.com/photos/puppies.jpg
Various purposes of the buckets are: Buckets manages the Amazon S3 namespaces to a greater extent, and also they find accounts which are responsible for data transfer and storage charges, they perform a significant role in access control, and they offer a unit of aggregation for reporting.
Moreover, these buckets can be configured in such a way that they are created in a particular region. It can also be configured so that each time when an object is added to it, Amazon S3 generates a …show more content…
If your bucket is in the US East (N.Virginia) region, you must use the http://s3.amazonaws.com/bucket endpoint.
(ii) Bucket configuration options
In Amazon S3, there are various options for you to configure your bucket. For example, your bucket can be configured to manage the lifecycle of objects in the bucket, website hosting and configure it to log all access to the bucket. Amazon S3 supports sub-resources for storing and managing the bucket configuration information. That is, using the Amazon S3 API, you can create and manage these sub-resources. We can also use the console or the AWS SDKs.
Sub resource Description
Lifecycle It can be defined for objects in your buckets which have a well-defined lifecycle. For example, by setting certain duration, you can define rule to archive or delete objects.
Website Static website hosting can be configured on the bucket. Amazon S3 stores this configuration using the website