• Karen Scott
Message flagged Friday, August 31, 2012 4:53 PM
Dear Sukwa,
I am writing in response to your request for information about the University of Roehampton online masters degrees. As an Enrolment Advisor, I will be calling you soon to provide the information you require and answer any questions you may have. I would like to help you to review your professional and academic ambitions, to evaluate whether one of our programmes will assist you in achieving them. Please send me a C.V, so that I can understand and help you with a tailored solution that fits your ambition and career goals.
If you would like to prepare for the call, please give some thought to the following questions:
· Why are you considering an online Masters degree?
· How will this Masters degree benefit you?
· When might you want to start your Masters degree?
If there is a time during usual office hours that you would prefer me to call, please reply to this email and let me know - also indicate the contact number on which you would like me to call you.
I look forward to discussing our programme with you soon.
Karen Scott
Enrolment Advisor
University of Roehampton Online
+31(0) 20 713 0041
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