Ambulance Service of NSW
Report 2b
11th November 2011
Prepared by
Jane Fuller
Table of Contents
Executive Summary iii
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Purpose of Report 1
1.2. Background 1
1.3. Human Resource Department 1
1.4. Report Methodology 2
1.5. Report Assumptions and Limitations 2
1.6. Report Plan 2
2. Discussion 3
2.1. External Environment 3
2.2. Internal Environment 3
2.3. Detection of Problems 4
2.4. Verification / Rejection of Problems 4
2.5. HR plan 6
2.6. HR plan success criteria 7
2.7. HR implementation of the plan 7
2.8. HR evaluation of the outcomes 8
3 Conclusion 9
4 Recommendations 10
5 References 11
Executive Summary
This report used the CHRM process to review the issues of bullying, harassment, low morale and staff shortages within the Ambulance Service of NSW (ASNSW).
ASNSW is a State Government organisation headed by the Director General for Health and operates under the Health Services Act 1997 and provides health related transport and clinical care to over 7.25 million NSW residences.
Information was sourced from the NSW Government Health department and the ASNSW web sites, government enquiries and responses into the service, newspaper reports and journal articles.
Issue of staff shortages appears to be false as the evidence obtained shows an increase in the level of clinical staff by 50% between 1995 and 2008/2009, and this increase is higher than the population growth in NSW. What was not considered in the current staffing levels is any increased demand of ambulance services due to ageing population etc, or any changes to work practices that would necessitate the need for additional clinical staff.
NSW Government has recognised the fact that bullying does occur in the service, and is a serious problem. Consequences of bullying can include low morale, high stress, diminished self-worth, poor productivity, depression and suicide, alcoholism, being fired or overlooked for
References: ABC News, 4th July 2008, viewed 25th October 2011, ABS, 2011, viewed 25th October 2011, Ambulance Service of New South Wales, About us, viewed 25th October 2011, Bernardi, L M, 2001, Management by bullying: The legal consequences. The Canadian Manager, vol Bosca, J D, 2010 Appendix 2 Government Response: 2008 Inquiry, Report 33- April 2010, Minister for Health Daily Telegraph, 2011, viewed 25th October 2011, Wallace, N West A, 2008, vow to fix bullying in ambulance service, Sydney Morning Herald,