One of the theories that was stated in the article titled
“Amelia Earhart's Last Flight” was “Amelia was seen on Saipan Island being held captive by the Japanese.”
Another theory that was stated in the article “Amelia Earhart's last flight” was“Amelia was secretly working for the US government to get into Japan to receive government information.” The original theory was that when Amelia’s plane crashed she died on impact going into the ocean. The article “ Original Theory” stated that “ By that afternoon it was obvious the plane had either gone into the sea….” For over sixty years people have debated these theories on the mystery of what happened to Amelia Earhart. In the 1940’s people were still searching for the truth and gave us the most current …show more content…
Up until this skeleton was found people had assumed that Amelia Earhart had died in the plane crash. Now with the discovery of the bones things took a turn, "Until we started investigating the skeleton, we found what history knew was that Amelia Earhart died in July 2nd, 1937, in a plane crash. But there is an entire final chapter of Earhart's life that people don't know about. She spent days -- maybe months -- heroically struggling to survive as a castaway," said Gillespie.
There has been three huge search and rescue missions since the late 90’s to explore the area where the bones were found. After exploring the site one of the investigators said "We found records of bonfires being lit in the area where the bones were found. Based on the fish bones and bird bones found in the area, Earhart survived weeks, maybe even months, in that island," The mystery of Amelia Earhart’s disappearance has been talked about for years. This mystery may never reach a final conclusion. The background of Amelia Earhart's disappearance, the theories about what happened to her, and the current knowledge on her case is what has made up the mystery of Amelia Earhart. A person's perspective can change in an instant leading all the aspects of that first opinion to multiply forming more and more ideas. Which then leads to all different stories changing the original which creates