Since the U.S. Constitution was drawn up it has only been amended 27 times, a very small number when considering that it has been over 200 years since it was written and knowing the first ten of these amendments were proposed during the First Congress, show that it is not easy to amend the Constitution. This comes as an advantage because it is critical that a country’s constitution does not change from every whim of the public or other bodies. …show more content…
I feel people have the right to love whoever they want and have a freedom for happiness after all we were told we have “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”, so why ban gays from their happiness. Gay marriage will have no impact on heterosexual communities, just as racial integration in the 60’s had no negative impact on whites. “It overturned an ugly, immoral attitude that upheld segregation. Legalizing gay marriage will grant the LGBT community a right that has been immorally denied to them”