America’s Carbon Footprint
Joseph N. Flowers Jr.
November 12, 2012
Judith Scharle
America’s Carbon Footprint Florida will be the next lost city of Atlantis! That can be imagined when reading statistics from scientists predicting that in fewer than 100 years, most of southern Florida will be under water because of global warming (Wilbur, 2011). Global warming is the rising of the Earth’s temperature because of greenhouse gasses like the burning of fossil fuels coal, oil, and gas. Some people doubt whether global warming exists. Harold Wanless, chairperson of the University of Miami 's Department of Geological Sciences believes it does. Harold was interviewed by Fox News and said that a three-foot rise in sea level will cause problems for Florida. He says that a four-foot rise "Becomes extremely difficult to live in south Florida, and at five-feet probably impossible.” Global warming is not just affecting south Florida; Global warming is affecting the world. Some people argue that human caused global warming is just a myth. If nature has a part in global warming, humans also have a part in it. The Energy Information Administration (EIA) estimates that the United States gasoline and diesel fuel consumption for transportation in 2011 resulted in the emission of about 1,089 and 430 million metric tons of CO2 respectively for a total of 1,519 million metric tons of CO2. Humans are killing the planet and thus are killing their children’s future. Media, politicians, and ordinary Americans should pay more attention to global warming before it is too late. The United States of America alone produces 20 tons of carbon emissions per head (EIA, 2007), and that is a dangerous number. America produces three times the amount of carbon emissions than the rest of the world combined, yet America’s media does not take the lead in reporting it. The American media needs to raise
References: Cohen, Steven 2012 THE BLOG Strickland, Jonathan; Grabianowski, Ed 2007 WWW.HOWSTUFFWORKS.COM