“You know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror” said the previous president of
America, George W Bush in 2006. This encapsulates the American war on terrorism. Aimless, flawed and biased. I am of the opinion that terrorism is America’s problem as she has beared most of the cost of it and also because she is to blame for it. Problems
Economic costs
● Terrorism raises the risk and cost of doing business, whether that business is diplomacy, manufacturing, or sales. ● The AP reported in October that nearly 200,000 people were laid off after 9/11, including close to 40,000 in the aerospace industry
● An airline industry spokesman estimated in October that the world’s airlines may have lost as much as $15 billion due to passenger and freight cutbacks
● Terrorism → decrease in tourism for America due to fear. (Boston)
● econ. losses due to infrastructural damages 9/11, the most devastating terrorist attack in modern history, had a direct cost of roughly $27 billion(cripples econ.) Social costs
Terrorism has impacted the psychological well being of Americans, leaves people traumatised
● About 11 percent of kids surveyed who were at the marathon finish line suffered from posttraumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, according to research conducted within the six months after the bombings, trauma experts say.That’s about six times higher than the PTSD rate in kids who weren’t at the site of the April 15,
2013 attack that killed three people and injured 264, according to a study published Monday in the journal
Pediatrics. (BOSTON)
● These studies have investigated the immediate economic damage caused by terrorism, and the effect on variables such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP), unemployment, foreign direct investment (FDI), and the tourism industry.Even 9/11, the most devastating terrorist attack in modern history, had a direct cost of roughly $27 billion.
● Another major