American Agriculture Agriculture is a large part of the American economy and plays a major role in domestic affairs, even though there are foreign implications, such as aid to other poor, foreign countries in the form of food. Because agriculture is vital to keeping the domestic economy stable, the federal government has and had passed farm bills that give governmental subsidies to farmers, allowing them to “artificially inflate prices” of farm products. Another component of the agricultural issue is the issue of immigration. A large portion of Hispanic immigrants work in the agricultural industry and they produce about 20% of the total agricultural production. Republicans want to get rid of those illegal immigrants who work in the agricultural industry because that is their stance on immigration specifically. Democrats want to keep illegal immigrants because they produce a large portion of agricultural products, and because it is their stance on immigration. Ever since the beginning of the United States, wheat has been the principal cereal crop; billions upon billions of bushels of all variety of wheat have and are exported to many countries. On the whole aspect of agriculture, the United States is fourth largest nation producing food in general. Foreign competition such as China, Europe, and India fiercely compete throughout the globe and in the international market of food products. Current policies regarding agriculture consists of mostly farm bills that are directed towards assisting the farmer in economical ways such as subsidies, price support, and many other ways. One of the most recent farm bill enacted by Congress was under the presidency of George W. Bush, and it sends approximately $300 billion to farmers. In addition, a recent trend of renewing old farm bills, or creating whole new bills, has begun, and current of last year, the farm bill that was enacted was an extension of an old farm bill that isn’t as stable as farmers would have
American Agriculture Agriculture is a large part of the American economy and plays a major role in domestic affairs, even though there are foreign implications, such as aid to other poor, foreign countries in the form of food. Because agriculture is vital to keeping the domestic economy stable, the federal government has and had passed farm bills that give governmental subsidies to farmers, allowing them to “artificially inflate prices” of farm products. Another component of the agricultural issue is the issue of immigration. A large portion of Hispanic immigrants work in the agricultural industry and they produce about 20% of the total agricultural production. Republicans want to get rid of those illegal immigrants who work in the agricultural industry because that is their stance on immigration specifically. Democrats want to keep illegal immigrants because they produce a large portion of agricultural products, and because it is their stance on immigration. Ever since the beginning of the United States, wheat has been the principal cereal crop; billions upon billions of bushels of all variety of wheat have and are exported to many countries. On the whole aspect of agriculture, the United States is fourth largest nation producing food in general. Foreign competition such as China, Europe, and India fiercely compete throughout the globe and in the international market of food products. Current policies regarding agriculture consists of mostly farm bills that are directed towards assisting the farmer in economical ways such as subsidies, price support, and many other ways. One of the most recent farm bill enacted by Congress was under the presidency of George W. Bush, and it sends approximately $300 billion to farmers. In addition, a recent trend of renewing old farm bills, or creating whole new bills, has begun, and current of last year, the farm bill that was enacted was an extension of an old farm bill that isn’t as stable as farmers would have