Obviously all of the stories were part of Gene’s story but I felt like this was less of a memoir and more of a story. As it says on the cover “a youthful tale.” (New York Times) The word tale to me has connotations of a fictitious story or folktale. Not of a story that is true. Another thing that I wondered about is how some of his family felt after reading their story. Especially the cousin that came to visit. I feel like if I was portrayed in the stereotypical manner that the cousin is portrayed in I might be offended. My final question was how much this story was skewed by Yang’s perception. I feel like Yang had all of these perceptions of people and they all seemed so strong. In conclusion this whole story filled me with more questions then …show more content…
I definitely understood monkey kings story of trying to fit in. I feel like everyone at one point in their life has made changes to themselves to try and fit in and then realized to truly fit in they need to be themselves. Also, I also understood Jin’s position of trying not to be the odd one out. I definitely felt that here at Wartburg when I first came. Meeting many people I was one of the only ones that came from a big city and also one of the only ones that had no farm experience at all. For much of my time here I have felt like people don’t understand how big of a change it was for me to come to a town of only 10,000 people. I am not used to things closing at 9:00. I am also not used to being around this demographic. My high school was so diverse and here all though we have international students I feel like it is much less diverse. Not to say that it is a bad thing but there are just many more Iowans here. Finally, I did understand Chin-Kee but I didn’t really appreciate his character. I just got a very creepy vibe from the way he was portrayed. Overall I felt this book had good stories but mixing them together felt very confusing for me. In conclusion I felt many emotions throughout American Born Chinese. I felt very confused at the beginning because I didn’t understand how a monkey could be part of a memoir. Next I felt like I had more questions then answers. Furthermore, I felt like the story