Some people say that there were many harmful effects on physical damage, for example the rebellion and protest caused many injures and even deaths. Even though some people said this, still most of them say that this decade was one of the most important decades in all American history because it changed in many different ways the perspective of how people view society. Like I mentioned before, women’s, youth, environmentalists and other caused the surfacing of the American counter culture that had a tremendous impact on society.
In the 1960s, Ginsberg was closely associated with the antiwar movements and counter culture. He mentioned that this movement started against government during the 50s and 60s, European students as a rebellion and act of resistance mainly led it. Ginsberg composed Howl to make the readers a new way of observation for life through the appearance of the counter culture. Howl is mainly a freedom of language, honesty and unprompted mind. Woodstock on the other hand, was a landmark counter culture event that was held in upstate New York. It was basically three days of peace, love and