its large sphere of influence over many a sovereign overseas. The American thoughts of expansion to better the country were exemplified when they sought to expand their territory. Developing into a major world power came with the craving of new trade and opportunities. The powerful countries of the world saw it necessary to divide the world as they saw fit. The power they withheld gave them the â??rightâ?� to control the lands(doc A).
For the country to protect its valuable territory, it must build itself from within. By protecting itself, they are keeping their chances of colonization high. The United States sought to obtain some of the new territory so that they may protect themselves not only economically but militarily. Alfred T. Mahan wrote text on how the United States should control many islands in the pacific so that they could be used as â??coaling stationsâ?�(doc C). They saw this strategy as an advantage in battle tactics in case of war. Many economic benefits came with the new territory. The new islands such as Guam and Hawaii were merely an earlier idea on a larger scale. In the early nineteenth-century, the idea of Manifest Destiny caused a large migration to the western half of the country. The thought that new benefits for boosting the economy would come from the new fertile lands. They would also have control of two oceans; a key to economic prosperity. This expansionism and craving to gain the benefitsof new lands to protect their military and economic interests was merely a rise to power that they knew they deserved; this has always been a primary factor in the ideals of the United States.
As the country sought to expand and rise to a major power of the world, they gained an egotistical mindset along with the territory. The United States even created the open door policy without the consent of China. A cartoon drawn in 1900 entitled â??American Diplomacyâ?�, shows that America â??holds the keyâ?�(doc G) to Chinaâ??s economic interests. The United States had future prosperity in their sights and nothing was going to stop the United States. Prior to the open door policy, they gained control of the Phillipines adding to their already swollen ego. The U.S. saw china as merely the next stepping stone. The United States began to believe that the country that ruled the Pacific Ocean ruled the world. America saw this power as its goal(doc E). This ideal was created by the founding fathers and their quest for western expansionism. They saw that their will was strong enough to create their own country and prosper. This idea of Manifest Destiny was the cornerstone of American foreign policy. With the egotistical attitude and belief that we were to become a major power, we also continued the belief that America held the â??white manâ??s burden.â?� America sought to expand its superior Anglo-Saxon race. It came to the conclusion that it was to spread the luck and beliefs that it held, and attempted to do so with good inentions. The United States also saw itself as superior in their foreign policy.