American Express Case Study Research Papers, Essays, and Term Papers 1-800-351-0222 or 310-313-1265 Or Order On-Line! American Express Case Study Term Paper ID:27345 Get This Paper Free!or Buy This Paper Essay Subject: Analyzes the successful management changes instituted at American Express in the 1980s by CEO Lou Gerstner.... Pages / 1800 Words 1 sources, 3 Citations, APA Format rating 32.00 More Papers on This Topic Paper Abstract: Analyzes the successful management changes instituted at American Express in the 1980s by CEO Lou Gerstner. Paper Introduction: American Express Case Study Description Much of the success of American Express during the mid1980s was attributed to the entrepreneurial management philosophy of Lou Gerstner, chairman of American Express TRS. He himself indicated that it was not his original intent to come in to American Express and institute corporate entrepreneurship.
Nonetheless, his background and management style seemed to challenge the people who were already there and developed into something that was considered entrepreneurial, or intrapreneurial. American Express Company was an appropriate venue for this kind of management. During the late 1970s, as an organization, it set aggressive goals for itself. Rather than accept static growth, or attempt a defensive posture in the face of growing competition, The result was to be a balanced operation inwhich each group was valued for its contribution to the whole, andhopefully learned to value the other group. References Kao, J.
He sought to inculcate acounterculture - not to replace the traditional corporate culture, but tocoexist with it, operating in tension with the more traditional culture. The intent was to ensure the maintenance of stability, order, predictability, and control, while adding the potential for individualinitiative and diversity. Eventually, his career will end after a series offailures, or lack of success, in any event, and that is also