Mission Statement
“The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations are an expression of the hopes and aspirations of the working people of America. We resolve to fulfill the yearning of the human spirit for liberty, justice and community; to advance individual and associational freedom; to vanquish oppression, privation and cruelty in all their forms; and to join with all persons, of whatever nationality or faith, who cherish the cause of democracy and the call of solidarity, to grace the planet with these achievements. We dedicate ourselves to improving the lives of working families, bringing fairness and dignity to the workplace and securing …show more content…
This federation is a voluntary democratic consisting of 56 unions that represent more than 12 million working people. The federation consists of national and international unions; their reach extends worldwide to establish the values they believe in. In general the federation gets involved with lobbyists to try and set legislation and politics so that they can improve conditions for working people. The federation is concerned with our tax dollars also; they try to invest tax dollars in the most needed areas that help working people. These areas include building new roads and bridges to provide adequate transportation routes, improving the education standards to better prepare people for the changing trends, reforming trade rules to help us keep jobs in America. They try to improve safety, wages, working conditions and all other benefits for the working class so everyone has equal opportunity. They get involved with training working individual so that they can be prepared for the changing technology, work guidelines, and job readiness. They are working class individuals consisting of all trades from teachers, oil field workers, lawyers, trade workers and much more. They provide a benefit to all working class regardless of membership or not by setting guidelines in the interest of the working class which in turn applies to almost all organizations concerning the scope of work classified in the new improved