2 May 2014
A Re-look at the America Funeral Process
Funerals are some of the most difficult activities for most individuals to experience, especially when they involve the death of a loved one. Over the years, there has grown a common and yet distinct American custom when it comes to how funerals are perceived and conducted (James 348). However, most Americans still hold unto the traditional funerals as opposed to modern ones. Unfortunately, the American funeral customs put a lot of more emphasis on some activities that turn out to be very costly. Worst of all, the economic burden that this traditions put on the bereaved families is even more detrimental.
Most of the old folks are the greatest defenders and proponents of the traditional funeral customs. Since these are people who have the greatest if not the final say when it comes to family matters, many American families have found themselves becoming slaves of this old and outdates funeral practices whose greatest achievement is soaring the expenses of such a process. Yes, that is very true. American funerals are one of the most expensive funerals to undertake in the whole world. The funerals expenses plans or insurances have done nothing but to augment the funerals expenses as well (Leamy). It is very important for Americans to realize that there are many hidden charges that come with such plans.
Funeral rituals have remained part of the American funeral process for many years. Just like in other parts of the world, the history of the funeral services in an American setting is a history of mankind as well. Funeral customs date as old as civilization itself. Every culture and civilization attends to the proper care of their dead (Misarina 81). Every culture and civilization ever studied has three things in common that relate to death and the disposition of the dead. The first one is some kind of funeral rituals, rites and ceremonies. The second one is the sacred place for those
Cited: Andrews, Peter. "The Neanderthal extinction." Trends in Ecology & Evolution 19.10 (2004): 511-512. Print. Davis, Kenneth. "Dead Reckoning or Reckoning with the Dead: Hispanic Catholic Funeral Customs." Liturgy 21.1 (2006): 21-27. Print. James, J. "Book Review: 15 Weddings and 17 Funerals." The Expository Times 116.10 (2005): 348-349. Print. Leamy, Elisabeth. "Funerals: How to Beat the High Cost of Dying." ABC News. ABC News Network, 23 July 2012. Web. 2 May 2014. <http://abcnews.go.com/Business/funerals-beat-high-cost-dying/story?id=16823289>. Lynch, Thomas. Bodies in Motion and at Rest: Essays. New York: W.W. Norton, 2000. Print. Misarina, Galina. "The Magic of Laments in Funeral Customs and in Warding off Vermin/Weeds." Mãetagused 47 (2011): 65-82. Print. Nash, Alanna. "The High Cost of Funerals: Families Forced to Cut Back." The Fiscal Times. N. p., 25 June 2010. Web. 2 May 2014. <http://www.thefiscaltimes.com/Articles/2010/06/25/The-High-Cost-of-Funerals-Families-Forced-to-Cut-Back>.