Since the beginning of the colonies in South Africa, European immigrants took charge and dominated the large native population. During the …show more content…
The British controlled the country by mostly allowing only whites to vote, have skilled mining jobs, and by prohibiting the native Africans to own land (known as the Natives Land Act of 1913). Furthermore, any jobs that the Black Africans had would be paid very low, and receive very little political power. This was an obvious case of white supremacy that lasted decades. Following the establishment of the Union of South Africa, many parties within the government began to form. Some of these parties included the National Party (NP) which was ruled by the Afrikaners and favored white supremacy, and the African National Congress (ANC). These parties were formed around the ideas that the native Africans should not be oppressed to white supremacy and …show more content…
They encouraged people to burn their passbooks, or passport like documents which those who were not white were forced to carry on their person. They also discouraged the use of public services as protests to the government.
Nelson Mandela encouraged the idea of non-violent protests. He was arrested numerous times, and faced struggles such as disease, imprisonment, government opposition. He lead the anti-apartheid campaign for over twenty years, and eventually received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 along with the South African President F.W. de Klerk. In 1994, he became the country's first black president. Over his lifetime, he fought against the unjust laws of the British colonial ideals, and allowed the country to move into modern day idealisms. Mandela recently passed away in December of 2013 at his home in Johannesburg. He was 95.
The British rule which occurred for centuries permanently affected the nation negatively. Since the end of the apartheid, South Africa has become an independent country which follows basic First World international ethics and rights. Poverty still exists in high amounts, but the income