Before the introduction of the "pale face" Native Americans lived a calm and serene life. They lived in big communities and help one another in order to survive. They had a form of religion, poly-theistic, that would be their main form of salvation. They had chiefs and warriors. They had teepees that would allow them to quickly pack up and move. The Native Americans were a nomadic, primitive people that did not live up to the whiter man's view of "civilization". However, the white man, pale face, felt the need to change the Native Americans barbaric ways of life. The Americans were smart in their efforts in trying to convert the Indians. They would go after the kids because they were still young and gullible. "Yes, my child, several others besides Judewin are going away with the palefaces. Your brother said the missionaries had inquired about his little sister... "Did he tell them to take me, mother" (40). The children were impressionable. In this first story, the daughter gets hooked on going with the missionaries
Cited: Zitkala-Sa. American Indian Stories. University Of Nebraska Press. Lincoln and Lo