
American Involvement In Ww2 Essay

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American Involvement In Ww2 Essay
Starting from 1939, World War 2 was the bloodiest war in the history of the globe. Throughout the war, there were many key battles that determined the final outcome of the war. The long term causes of the war included militarism, alliances, imperialism, and nationalism. The war started with the invasion of Poland, where Germany and the Soviet Union split the country in two. The Allies decided to not appease the Axis powers any longer and declared war. Many countries entered the war due to their alliances with other countries. One country, however, decided not to join the war due to its isolationist beliefs. This country, the United States, decided to join the war after the Japanese pulled a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. During this battle, …show more content…
Firstly, the bombs saved more lives than it claimed. To illustrate, many American and Japanese lives would have been lost in the battles to capture Japan. Similar to the battles of Iwo Jima and Okinawa, the Japanese would never surrender until all of their forces were lost, and this would result in a copious amount of death and despair. The Allied generals estimated over a 1,000,000 lives would have been lost in the upcoming battles if Truman did not decide to end the war with the atomic bombs. Additionally, the Japanese threatened to execute 100,000 Allied prisoners of war if they decided to invade the Japanese mainlands. Thus, by dropping the atomic bombs, many lives, including both Japanese and American, have been saved by bringing the war to an abrupt stop. Furthermore, the Japanese were given a fair warning before the Allies dropped the Atomic bombs. On July 26, a few days before the dropping of the bombs, President Truman issued a final ultimatum for the Japanese forces to surrender or be bombed. Yet, Emperor Hirohito declared that he would not surrender. On account of Emperor Hirohito not surrendering, Truman decided to drop the Atomic Bombs to end the war quickly. Hence, the Japanese were given a choice to surrender or to be bombed, but they chose to be bombed. Although many argue that the Atomic Bombs were not justified because they

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