Zach Shore
Social Studies
Terry Pollack
21 October 2012
American Propaganda in World War II American Propaganda in World War II helped the war effort in many ways. Propaganda is using many different sources of materials to influence the way one thinks. It is very often used in wars to help influence the way the country feels and reacts to the war. Some ways they do this is stereotyping and half-truths among many other techniques to help with the effort o war and to help them win. America used many propaganda techniques in world war II. One of the most commonly used forms of propaganda was posters and adds. There were many different kinds of posters that helped in different ways. First there were posters that …show more content…
It turns out that this women is a Nazi spy. Then it ends. The two main people in these films were Private Snafu and Lance
Corporal Schmuckatelli. In the film Stop that tank it is an instructional video on how to use a anti tank rifle. It shows Hitler attacking a city with 5 other tanks. It shows Americans hiding in stealth and destroying all the tanks. It then shows Hitler going to hell and complaining to the devil. The devil then translates “He says hes no match for us with our anti-tank rifles”. The last way Disney helped to promote war effort was to support public need. These public needs include taxes being paid, donating scrap metal, and getting war bonds. These were shown in many cartoons such as Bugs Bunny Bond …show more content…
The way American Propaganda portrayed the Japanese was very bad. It showed them based on samurai tradition, it showed them as ruthless people who had a need to take over the world. It also showed the Germans in a bad way. It often showed Hitler as doomed. We made the Germans appear as Stupid fools. For example In one political cartoon it shows an angry German father yelling at his son saying “Germans eat countries, not food”. This is one of Dr. Seuss’s man political cartoons. As you can see on page !@# in image one how it portrays the enemy as there stereotypical racist images. In image two it shows the Germans as country eaters like mentioned before. In image three it shows the Japanese and Hitler in the ocean as a two headed Axis