The American Revolution, which is discussed in Chapter four of Crosscurrents in American Culture, was led by several factors, indicated throughout chapter four and described in form of primary sources. Using these primary sources, paraphrasing and summarizing the events I will declare, analyze and interpret why these events lead to the eventual occurrence of the American Revolution and how the Revolution effected the new and existing nations. Firstly, as stated in “A speech to the Six Confederate Nations (…)”, when the first armed battles in Lexington, Concord took place, delegates were concerned with keeping neutral parties, as the Indians, remaining neutral, as they had been among their confederations dating back to the fifteenth century. They were known for their diplomacy, also being able to live in peace among the French and English and therefore having them continue to stay neutral in the event of the revolution. A diplomatic skill the Iroquois confederation possessed is viewing their relationship with the French on terms of “Uncle”, “Brother” and “Nephew”, instead of the view Father – Child, the French had laid down. (112). Considering the hierarchical view of the Iroquois, it surprising that they didn’t manage to maintain their diplomacy and neutrality. The American Revolution literally forced the confederation of natives to pick sides and join the War, also when this meant, giving up what they have maintained over several centuries, a key point in their diplomacy and turn against their own people, choosing other sides. Furthermore, at present time a common approach to transmit the new ideas and news was through novels, newspapers, cartoons and similar (109). A pamphlet published in January 1776, titled “Common Sense”, written by Thomas Pain, who had barely lived in America for little more than a year, captured ingeniously the spirit of the growing discontent among colonists, towards the British monarchy and
The American Revolution, which is discussed in Chapter four of Crosscurrents in American Culture, was led by several factors, indicated throughout chapter four and described in form of primary sources. Using these primary sources, paraphrasing and summarizing the events I will declare, analyze and interpret why these events lead to the eventual occurrence of the American Revolution and how the Revolution effected the new and existing nations. Firstly, as stated in “A speech to the Six Confederate Nations (…)”, when the first armed battles in Lexington, Concord took place, delegates were concerned with keeping neutral parties, as the Indians, remaining neutral, as they had been among their confederations dating back to the fifteenth century. They were known for their diplomacy, also being able to live in peace among the French and English and therefore having them continue to stay neutral in the event of the revolution. A diplomatic skill the Iroquois confederation possessed is viewing their relationship with the French on terms of “Uncle”, “Brother” and “Nephew”, instead of the view Father – Child, the French had laid down. (112). Considering the hierarchical view of the Iroquois, it surprising that they didn’t manage to maintain their diplomacy and neutrality. The American Revolution literally forced the confederation of natives to pick sides and join the War, also when this meant, giving up what they have maintained over several centuries, a key point in their diplomacy and turn against their own people, choosing other sides. Furthermore, at present time a common approach to transmit the new ideas and news was through novels, newspapers, cartoons and similar (109). A pamphlet published in January 1776, titled “Common Sense”, written by Thomas Pain, who had barely lived in America for little more than a year, captured ingeniously the spirit of the growing discontent among colonists, towards the British monarchy and