
American Women In The 19th Century

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American Women In The 19th Century
Because many American women of the nineteenth century had very different ideals, feminism became a global movement, and "early feminists found allies abroad." Many feminists believed that married or not, all women deserved the same rights as men. An extreme feminist of her time, Margaret Fuller, wanted to spread her ideas about women's rights, and she became editor of the New York Tribune in 1844. She later published Woman in the Nineteenth Century in which she. Every path to self-fulfillment, she insisted, should be open to woman as free as to man. Her ideas, along with many other feminists of her time, created a revolutionary idea of social freedom all over America. Women of the north really began expanding their independence during the Civil War, when they began to take on jobs in factories and nursing. Because many men were away at war, there was a large shortage of workers, money, and supplies, and women took on the responsibility of working and running organizations …show more content…
After volunteering in military hospitals, Mary Livermore believed that women should no longer be seen as the subordinate and she held
Feminism was brushed to the side as women were helping with war efforts, but the very idea of devoting themselves to supporting the Union and still not being able vote made American women even more driven for equal rights.
After the Civil War, during the Reconstruction period, many women were striving for the same rights as African Americans. Although many American women trying to gain rights, some women believed that the progression seen for African Americans was enough to support Reconstruction and hope that they earned the same rights at a later time.

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