Lost worlds” , “The Climate For Change”, authors like Jared Diamond and Al Gore point out their concerns over how globalization is changing the environment with their questions and solutionsto this matter. For economical analysis of globalization , we will look at three different essays. The first one is “ Globalization” , by Anthony Giddens, who decide that American is the dominating force in this era of globalization. The second essay is “ The Rise Of The Rest” by
Fareed Zakaria, who have a completely opposite idea of globalization with Giddens. He shows that the power is shifting away from American, towards countries like China, Brazil.. And the final essay is “The Noble Feat Of Nike”, writen by Johan Norberg, who went to South East Asia to discover that multination company with bad reputation in their homeland , Nike, is actually making a positive impression by improving and creating new opportunities for workers in
Vietnam. In term of cultural identities, “Bored With USA?” by Brendon O’Connor, “In