We have enclosed a notice convening a meeting to the company's annual shareholders' meeting
Wednesday, 17 June 20XX, at 2 pm.
The shareholders' meeting will take place at BØRSEN, Børsbygningen, København K.
We hope you will have the possibility to attend and we have enclosed an order form for an admission card. We kindly ask you to return it in the enclosed post-paid envelope as soon as possible. We kindly remind you that Kapitalbank A/S must receive the registration by Wednesday June 10th 20XX at 4 pm. Afterwards, your admission card will be sent. Enclosed with the admission card are voting cards, in case you wish to use your right to vote at the shareholders' meeting.
In case you do not wish to use your right to vote at the shareholders' meeting or if you are prevented from attending the shareholders' meeting, the chairman will happily accept your proxy to vote on your behalf. If you wish to do so, tick off, date and sign the enclosed authority form and return it in the enclosed post-paid envelope.
The company's annual accounts 20XX/20XX will be forwarded, as soon as it is printed. The annual accounts will be published on our website www.medico.dk as well.
Directly after the shareholders' meeting, Medico A/S has arranged a reception so shareholders can get together with the board of directors and board of management of a more informal character. This will take place at BØRSEN as well.
Yours faithfully
Jens Jensen