How did Jefferson’s ideals of government differ from those of Hamilton? Jefferson believed in strong states which would in return better control the government while also benefiting us while Hamilton believed in strong central government where the states would have limited power and the elite would have a say in government while also basing the economy on industry and large national debt.…
Hamilton's vision was the most appropriate for America in 1790 because of his argument about the ways of funding debts, the creation of the banks, and the protective tariff. For funding debts, he believed that national government should pay any debts such as foreign debts, state debts, etc. so that they can build up credit with new national government. In addition, he believed that if this properly worked, the nation's economy will be balanced and stable. When it becomes stable, that benefit could also increase the supply of money.…
1) (Page 22): How did Hamilton and Jefferson differ in their interpretations of the Constitution? Hamilton used the Constitutions elastic clause to make a national bank while Thomas Jefferson did not believe it was right to create a national bank because he believed it was unconstitutional.…
Jefferson believed that the Constitution was a strict document, while Hamilton believed it was more forgiving and left open for interpretation by the citizens of the United States. So in Jefferson’s interpretation of the Constitution, what Hamilton was trying to do was not…
Alexander Hamilton was the sculptor who chiseled the rough edges of America’s economy away. He was the essential part in the plan to solve the massive war debt after the revolution. As a strong federalist, he had views that he and his party shared and were deemed fit for the refinement of America’s economy. Thomas Jefferson was his eternal rival in terms of views. Along with James Madison, Jefferson was the polar opposite to Hamilton. The two past presidents seemed to be rigid with their views concerning political strategies the United States was taking in its early decades. These men before their presidencies were rock solid anti-federalist. However, Jefferson and Madison…
Hamilton and Jefferson were chosen Apart from it being his priority to keep positive relationships with other countries, Jefferson kept good communication with France after Genet’s misfortune. Even after “the Terror” in France, Jefferson stood by the beliefs and actions of France. Hamilton was a Federalist that in the now would be referred to Republicans. The ideas were similar to those of Europe, allowing for Federal Government to have more control and a monarchy control.…
Hamiltonian, Lieutenant- colonel, First U.S. Secretary of the Treasury and Secretary of State and spent his time devoted to the rich and wealthy individuals of Virginia. Though I have little knowledge on today’s congress, senate, and military. What I do remember is that what we have in common with Hamilton is,” Strong central government, order and organization, Industrial development, Helped establish a financial credit for the U.S. government. Hamilton had a firm belief that the rich, powerful and well educated should have the control on the government. Which in all honesty looking at today modern times, I can fully agree that the much upper class controlling the government, why? To be blunt money talks in future and I’m sure during 1780s and 90s it did as well, the rich and well educated people would rather spend his or her tax money on what they believe is right each upper class individual have a grasp on politics. Hamilton’s strong belief is still going strong today and being applied through the Senate Congress…
Jefferson had the idea that agriculture should be the backbone of our nation’s economy, but in today’s society would obviously fail. I find this to be absolutely redundant, how can a country go forward when it’s simply stand still? Hamilton believed in factories and the forward progression of everything, he wanted a balanced economy including farming. Jefferson wanted to dispose of internal taxes, Hamilton want to maintain them. If you don’t have taxes, you really…
In the late 1700s to the early 1800s, the United States was in need of a political philosophy that interpreted the Constitution loosely, avoided possibly catastrophic wars, and built up the economy in the easiest and most efficient way possible, all which were found best in Alexander Hamilton.…
Thomas Jefferson through his life, his experiences have changed his view to suit what he believes is best for America. Jefferson grew up in a wealthy family and grew with a positive view of the people. He served as a Virginia delegate and as a Virginia state legislature member. Then, he was an author of the Declaration of Independence to create the new nation of America. Later, he became part of Washington’s cabinet as Secretary of State and served as a U.S. Minister to France. Through his political background, he grew skills to help hone his vision on how…
Hamilton spent his whole life career fighting the Jeffersonian people. He thought that the focal point of governing should be done by the federal government. The government and Jefferson’s ideals succeeded over Hamilton and the federalists. The government created the separation between powers and also passed the alien sedition acts of 1798. They were some of the…
The ideal American republic for Hamilton from Johnson perspective is that Hamilton created a scheme in order to run the country. The scheme was helpful to America because as he predicted America was able to borrow money more cheaply. The Debt-funding was the first policy drafted by Hamilton. He also spoke about implemented measures for individuals who tried to rebel against taxation. Hamilton got the militia to dissolve the rebellion to basically prove the government is not in control. In Zinn’s argument about Hamilton, he stated that Hamilton suggested that there should be a president and senate for life and the government should a line itself with the richest element of the society.…
Although Jefferson often showed a strong dislike for the Federalist laws and programs, when he took office he left many of the Federalist programs intact, and except for revoking the excise tax, the Hamiltonian system was mostly left as it was. However, this act of Jefferson’s went against many of the political beliefs held by his party and himself. Jefferson and Hamilton’s philosophies differed greatly in that Jefferson adhered to a weak central government, with most of the power in the hands of the states. He believed that the federal government’s power should be restrained and limited, so that it would not be able to become tyrannical or try and undermine the power of the states and the people.…
When people think of the brave men who founded our country, the main people that come to mind are George Washington, Ben Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson. Alexander Hamilton was a man who was non-stop, but commonly forgotten. He didn’t stop for anything, including people’s opinions of him. There were social, economic, and cultural influences on Alexander Hamilton which affected his lifetime achievements. First U.S secretary of treasury, Alexander Hamilton was the leader of the Federalist party, started America’s bank, had one of the biggest scandals of his time, and his famous fatal duel with Aaron Burr.…
Giving too much power would allow one person or a small group of individuals to rule the United States, similar to the the monarchy in England, but too little power could cause the nation to lose its unity, especially with its lack of nationalism. Alexander Hamilton was a Federalist. This meant that he was in favor of a strong Federal government.…