Vespucci was born March 9th, 1454 at Ognissanti, Florence, Italy and is the third son of Ser Nastagio Vespucci.
His father, Nastagio was the notary of Florence. Vespucci’s mother was Lisabetta, Ser Giovanni’s daughter. Amerigo Vespucci was taught a humanistic education by his uncle Giorgio Antonio. His uncle was a Platonic Philosopher and was a teacher for Florence nobility. In 1478, when Vespucci was 24 years old, until 1480, when he was 26 years old, he was devoted to the embassy in Paris. He was there working for Guido Antonio Vespucci, a relative, and the ambassador of Florence, but in 1479 the Royal Medici family insisted that Vespucci should be the representative for the King of France. Then when he was 29, Vespucci became the manager of the house of Lorenzo de
Medici. In 1492, Vespucci was there when Columbus had returned from his first voyage that Berardi was involved in. Vespucci was still working in Spain for the Medici family in 1492. This is when he learned about the explorers looking for a route to the Northwest Passage to the Indies. Vespucci helped prepare the ships for Christopher Columbus’s second voyage in 1493. In 1496, Vespucci’s good friend and co-worker, Berardi died and Vespucci became the manager of Seville Agency. In 1497, the King Ferdinand of Spain gave Amerigo Vespucci authority to explore, so on May 10th, 1497 Vespucci left for his first voyage. On April 10th, Vespucci reached Guiana and returned to Cadiz, Spain on October 10th. Amerigo Vespucci then wanted to sail to Cape Verde with Alonzo de Ojeda. This trip, unlike the first, this trip was under the Portugal services. Vespucci was the navigator of four ships all from Spain. He did very well for his second time and his first time navigating in that area, the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Coast. They sailed around Florida and the Chesapeake Bay. The rest of the voyage was lost in writing, but he said that the sail continued south and Vespucci saw Guanabara Bay. Vespucci also was apparently, on his words, the first European To discover Rio de la Plate. In 1500 in September they arrived back in Spain. Before the third trip, Amerigo got ill of quart an ague. This expedition was unsuccessful. Then in 1501, after recovering from being sick, he made his third voyage trying to explore Cape Verde again. He sailed from Lisbon and sailed to Brazil. Then, Amerigo Vespucci and other scholars were convinced that the land that Christopher Columbus did not find Asia, but he had founded a New World. “Martin Waldseemller suggested that the newly discovered world would be named “ab Americo Inventorequasi Americi terram sive Americam” (meaning: from Amerigo the discoveras if it were the land of Americus or America)” (Amerigo Vespucci). This was only applied to South America and then North America came also. In September 1502, he returned to Lisbon. On the fourth voyage Amerigo Sailed for Cape Verde and America, but discovered Bahia and the Island of South Georgia. This was also on the Portugal Services. When he was 50, in 1504, Amerigo returned to Lisbon in Portugal on the 18th of June. Vespucci got married to Maria Cerezo and became a naturalized Spaniard. In 1505 he set sail for his 5th voyage and in 1507 he made his 6th expedition. Both of them were with Juan de la Cosa. Martin Waldseemuller, also the man who suggested that America should be named America, printed the first map that has written America instead if New World. Amerigo Vespucci did not have any more voyages after that and died in 1512 on February 22nd Vespucci Died in Seville. Overall, Amerigo did not find America, which was Christopher Columbus. Amerigo Vespucci hypothesized that Columbus founded a New World and not Asia. Even though Columbus died believing that he founded Asia, Amerigo Vespucci was right. Not only did Vespucci was right about “Asia” actually being America; he made expedition after expedition finding new places. He founded the mainland of Guianna, Cape St. Augustine and the Amazon River. Other places he discovered were Bahia and South Georgia’s islands. This makes Amerigo Vespucci the best of all of the other explorers. If Amerigo did not figure out America was not Asia, then America could have been named Columbia, or even The New Asia.