My parents’ divorce has changed me, and my life in many ways. The common idea of divorce is being a terrible thing on everyone in the family, especially the child. With this being true in many cases, it all depends on how we react and let it affect us. My parents split when I was
four years old, and being at such a young age I didn’t fully comprehend the idea. I am an only child so my parents, together, pulled me aside to explain we would no longer all be living together. As a four year old it wasn’t the happiest idea of not having my dad in the same house anymore, so as a normal reaction, I was pretty upset. After many shared tears, sitting in my dad’s lap, he began to realize I thought I would never see daddy again. He started to explain, “Even though we won’t be living together, you will always see me and go back and forth between the two of us, not seeing one more than the other.” As I got older I began to understand the meaning of “divorce.”
As the years went on my parents moved into new houses, remarried, and that became my normal. Six or seven years later my dad married my step mother, who had three sons: Dalton, who was twelve at the time, Jessup, who was six at the time, and Jett, who was four. After going to see my dad for so long and it just being the two of us, I became very independent, being the only girl in the house. This was then changed drastically when four new people moved in. My mother married my step father who had no children. My parents began their new lives and I did too.
A parents’ divorce is never fun and can be very sad. Along with this truth, I also believe many good things came out of this event to change me for the better. I became very independent, being an only child and learning to take care of things while at my dad’s. I gained more family, more people to love, and more people to love me. I learned how to love more people and patience, gaining three step-brothers. I learned how to adapt better to changes and to see things from the positive side. I’m grateful for my family and the things I gained and learned from this experience.