A. emotional expression.
B. self-responsibility.
C. philosophical reasoning.
D. self-criticism.
2. According to psychologist Martin Seligman, depression is largely a response to
A. learned helplessness.
B. manic elation.
C. sexual abuse during childhood.
D. chronic negative circumstances.
3. For the psychologist, abnormal behavior can be thought of as expressing distress of some kind that obstructs one's ability to function. Because this is such a broad definition, it's best to think of the range of behaviors from normal to abnormal as
A. statistical variations.
B. entirely dependent on diagnostic assumptions.
C. observable patterns.
D. lying along a continuum.
4. Which of the following statements regarding the DSM-IV-TR is most accurate?
A. The DSM-IV-TR offers therapists a firm foundation for estimating the degree to which a given individual is afflicted with a specified disorder.
B. Critics agree that the DSM-IV-TR system of classification has successfully increased the reliability of diagnoses without necessarily increasing their validity.
C. The DSM-IV-TR offers therapists a means of determining causal factors underlying a specific psychological disorder.
D. Critics of DSM-IV-TR argue that the classification system overemphasizes physiological factors associated with specified disorders. 5. Xenophobia is to fear of strangers as claustrophobia is to fear of
A. heights.
B. closure.
C. social situations.
D. enclosed spaces.
6. _______ drugs focus on efforts to change the concentration of neurotransmitters in the brain. For example, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors concentrate serotonin in synapses between neurons.
A. Antidepressant
B. Antipsychotic
C. Mood stabilizer
D. Anti-anxiety
7. Regarding perspectives on abnormality, what is the common ground between the medical and psychoanalytic perspectives?
A. Both view abnormal behavior as rooted in biological processes.
B. Both view abnormal behaviors as symptoms of