Amy Carmichael was known as being a missionary to India, founder of the Dohnavur Fellowship, and for her devotion to saving neglected children. At an early age, Amy experienced God 's word and had a great desire to become a missionary. In this paper we will examine Amy Carmichael 's life as a child, her inspiration to become a missionary, the trials and tribulations though her travels to Japan and India as well as how her missionary work had an effect on the lives of those she encountered.
In today’s society there are many atrocities going on in the world. Everyday we
hear on the news about killings, raping, and how the people of the world are becoming more and
more corrupt. There seems to less instances where you will hear about someone so great they
actually become news worthy. People have heard of Gandhi, Mother Theresa, but rarely you will
hear the name Amy Carmichael. She was one of the most significant missionaries of her era,
devoting herself for over fifty six years. Within this paper, you will learn of who she was, what
she committed herself to, where she had traveled in her missionary works, her impact on the
world and culture, how she accomplished so much and why.
Amy Carmichael was born on December 16, 1867 in a small village of Millisle, Northern Ireland. Her parents, David and Catherine Carmichael were devout Presbyterians and Amy was the oldest of three sisters and four brothers. Her father owned a successful mill business and Amy went to the best boarding schools. Eventually, that would end when her father 's business took a turn for the worst. Not to mention, her father had also made a poor decision of lending money to a friend who could not repay the debt. Due to financial stress, David Carmichael caught pneumonia and passed away April 12, 1885. Amy came home from boarding school to help
References: Grammaticas, D. (2007, June 8). Slaves to the Goddess of Fertility. BBC News (Bagalkot, Southern India), doi:6729927 Retrieved from Elliot, E. (1987). A life and Legacy of Amy Carmichael A Chance to Die. (p.31) New Jersey/USA: Fleming H. Revell Company. Fox, G. (2007, March 1). Amy Carmichael. The Old Paths Magazine. (13), p. 12. Graves, D. (2007, May). Amy Carmichael 's First Act of Kidnapping. Retrieved March 27, 2012, from Tlogical. Biography of Amy Wilson Carmichael. Retrieved March 25, 2012, Retrieved from Wellmann, S. (1998). Amy Carmichael: For the Children of India (Heroes of the Faith. (p. 67). Uhrichville, Ohio/USA: Barbour Publishing.