A random act of kindness is an allegedly selfless act carried out by a person or persons wishing to either give a hand or cheer up an individual or in some cases it extends to animals. There will commonly be no reason other than to make people smile, or be happier. Either spontaneous or premeditated, random acts of kindness are encouraged by various communities.
In 1982, California peace activist Ann Herbert allegedly roughly wrote on a placemat in a restaurant “Practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty.” The words left an impression on a fellow diner, who later spread the phrase to others. The phrase stimulated much thought and discussion, including the movie “Pay it forward” released in 2000. An international bestseller also played a big part to catapult this concept.
Why to Make a Random Act of Kindness
Possibly, you may be wondering why trouble yourself to make your act of kindness random? Isn’t it enough to be kind to your family members, colleagues and friends or at least, to the people that you relate with?
Well, committing a random act of kindness is a display of the generosity of your spirit. Kindness is an act expressing love. It is an abundance notion. It is the belief that you are filled with love for humanity and that you’ve got more to offer, even to unfamiliar persons or people that you don’t really know.
“A random act of kindness is a manifestation of abundance thinking.” Evelyn,
Sure, you do have to begin with being kind to those close to you. On the other hand, when you commit an act indiscriminately, maybe secretly as well, you are extending energy of love, optimism, trust and support to the Universe.
Making a random act of kindness is satisfying in itself. It offers you the window in the expansive awareness, a chance to discover your potential for human divinity. While you may have committed your act in the assistance of the recipient and not to
References: Adair Lara, "Random Acts of Senseless Kindness”, the San Francisco Chronicle, May 16, 1991