The 1870s-1900s was a great era for the government and as well as the people. The…
As the production rose, the American farmer went to the banks looking for loans to assist them in acquiring new farmland. Farmers also used the loans to buy new equipment--especially tractors due to labor costs-- thinking that with the high crop prices they would be able to afford the loans they put up against their farms. They were right in thinking this as corn and wheat prices increased heavily during the war time years leading up to the Great Depression. In 1913, harvesting more than 50 million acres of wheat got farmers $0.79 per bushel. And again in 1919, 75.7 million acres were harvested for a price of $2.14 per…
Paragraph 1 –problems facing the farmers and the nation: Outside information: Panics, 1873, 1893; high interest on mortgages ; unfair shipping rates charged by railroad companies; lack of government regulation of business practices and public utilities (transportation & communications), Use of the Oz; Use the worksheet; use the handout given you today.…
One of the most economically prosperous time periods in American history is the 1920’s, also known as the Roaring 20’s. This economic upturn occurred shortly after the conclusion of World War I and the short recession that followed the war. Some industries flourished during this time while farming became a cancer to the economy. To help the plight of the American farmer congress did as much as it could in passing legislative bills like the Emergency Tariff of 1921, the Fordney-McCumber Tariff of 1922, the Capper-Volstead Act of 1922, and the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1929.…
UNITED STATES HISTORY SECTION II Part A (Suggested writing time—45 minutes) Percent of Section II score—45 Directions: The following question requires you to construct a coherent essay that integrates your interpretation of Documents A-J and your knowledge of the period referred to in the question. High scores will be earned only by essays that both cite key pieces of evidence from the documents and draw on outside knowledge of the period. 1. Analyze the ways in which technology, government policy, and economic conditions changed American agriculture in the period 1865–1900. In your answer be sure to evaluate farmers’ responses to these changes.…
When technological advancements gave possibility to mass production, also called Fordism, the American agriculture system has ushered in a new era of rationality and standardization in production. In a profit-driven and efficiency-oriented, farming was gradually getting mechanical, chemical, and biotechnological. In addition to delivering the knowledge and techniques to farms, economists found “it was necessary to decontextualized the farm enterprise from the community and household setting in which it was embedded” (Lyson, 2004). There used to be mostly family labor in family farming. In order to overcome the problems in labor division and transform farming into a fully functional assembly line, social relations must be separate from the production and viewed as “externalities”. Thanks to three agricultural revolutions, in late twentieth century an increase in production can be finished with less labor as well as less…
Farming originally became an attractive occupation because of the successful cultivation of the Great Plains. Settlers were attracted by the short grass pastures for cattle and sheep, the sod of the plains, and by the meadowlands of the mountains that could be found in this region. An influx in rainfall after the 1870s turned the formerly barren plains into workable farmland. The initial journey westward for farmers was by wagon or cart. These journeys were often very difficult and dangerous (Doc E). Climate and the threat of territorial Native Americans in the West made the journeys last for long, grueling months (Doc H). Also, the idea of the farmer's lifestyle was that of the sturdy, independent farmer. However, as drought and debt plagued the farmlands of the Great Plains in the late nineteenth century, fewer farmers sought to be independent and more sought to be commercial (Doc C). The lifestyle of the commercial farmer was reasonably better and less self-sufficient than that of the independent farmer; however, they were still plagued by overproduction and economic distress. The settlement of farmers also contributed to the development of the west in different ways. Farmers helped to create new markets and new outposts of commercial agriculture in the Great Plains for the nation's growing economy. The independent farmer began by cultivating the land and selling to national markets…
From the early beginnings of America to well into the nineteenth century, America has been dominantly an agricultural country. Farming and the country life have always been a great part of the American culture. Thomas Jefferson even expressed his gratitude for the farming class by saying…
The Great Plains has many agricultural activities and has a high agricultural sector in North America despite the dry climate, poor soils, and low vegetation. Many settlers moved to the Great Plains when farming became the largest economic sector in the region during the 19th and 20th centuries. The Great Plains economy became dependent on its primary sector, which this dependency brought the Great Plains vulnerable to decisions of distinct financial institutions, governments, and transportation authorities. By the 1890’s, many homesteaders and farmers abandon their lands due to the drought and the Great economic depression at the beginning of the 1890’s. Also, many farmers leave the Great Plains during the Great Depression in the 1930’s. The…
How many times has the US population heard that large farms are more productive than small farms? The public perception is heavily influenced by the media. The most common stance on small farm economics is usually sided with the large corporate farms, especially in large court battles. Here in the United States, the question was asked more than a half-century ago: what does the growth of large-scale, industrial agriculture mean for rural towns and communities? Small family owned and operated farms are still alive in America today through opposition to factory farms, incentives from the United States government, the controversy over animal rights, and the awareness of the slow food movement.…
Without the increase in technology, workers needed in agricultural fields would have increased as the total population of the world increased. Some of the major innovations include the tractor and the internal combustion engine, plows, and combines. “A team of two horses was the standard source of motive power for American Farms.” However, horses were slow, required feed, and had to be harnessed every morning. Tractors became a much quicker, more reliable source of labor on the farm than horses.…
It is no question that agricultural workers have one of the most physically demanding jobs in the world. The situation for farmers was complicated in 1932, because there was a surplus of commodities in the market. The depressed state of the world food market caused the purchasing power of farmers to dwindle. As a result, the U.S. government passed the Agricultural Adjustment Act in hopes of restoring purchasing power to farmers by reducing surpluses in crops, livestock and giving farmers cash payments for controlling how much crops they would grow. The Agricultural Adjustment Act proved to be successful because the overall value of crops and livestock increased, consequently increasing the purchasing power of farmers in 1934.…
The Agricultural Revolution occurred during the Neolithic period which was the second era in human history. The Neolithic period, following the Paleolithic period, was when Agriculture began and hit its peak. I believe that the Agricultural Revolution was inevitable, eventually somewhere in human history it was going to occur. But, a largely debated topic is why it happened so late in human history. I believe it happened so late in the history of humankind for various reasons.…
The Agrarian Myth in a America had many aspects to it. First, to a lot of Europeans, America was this untouched garden of Eden that could be used to possibly make a Utopian society. Part of that myth was that Europeans had lost touch with nature and in America it could be regained and not be seen as such a wild and barbaric place. Another part of the myth was that Farming was the end-all be-all key to a happy and fulfilling life. Farmers were the backbone of this country going out on their own and working the land for their own benefits. Farming really did not want to have anything to do with cities and industrialization. These myths grew and stuck as history progressed.…
The average american consumes 1500 pounds of corn per year or about 4 pounds a day. Most processed foods you eat contain some form of corn, it has worked it’s way into our everyday lives. Humans developed the ability to build off of each other's ideas creating the vast variety of corn products. Then humans started making settlements where they domesticated corn and artificially selected desired traits of it. The modern revolution dramatically changed corn from it’s genetics to how is it grown and there is still lots to be improved on to support the world’s population in the future. The events the led to corn can be traced back all the way to early humans, up until present time, and because corn is being used so often in our daily lives it…