Buddhism, founded in India in the sixth century BCE, was rising in popularity among many peoples and eventually spread to China by the first century BCE. In China, Buddhism was faced with many mixed opinions. Some looked to it as truth and comfort and thought it was a good impact on society, others attacked the religion and accused it of being barbaric and a disturbance, and others tried to blend the new uprising religion with China’s existing philosophies.…
Buddhism was first introduced to China in the first century C.E., a few centuries after it was first introduced in India. As expected, it was met with mixed results; some criticized it to the point of blaming it for the country’s social and political problems, some defended its beliefs and followed it without hesitation, and yet others remained pretty indifferent and wished to meld Buddhism with other religions and create a unique culture.…
4. Jesuits in China: part of the history of relations between China and the Western World.…
Buddhism brought good things to China and there are people who favor in Buddhism, as we can see in Document 1, 4 and 6. Buddhism makes people behave and portray as good people, and people are happy with Buddhism for their teachings which comfort them by saying that it will bring you to Nirvana if you follow it. For Document 1, it is stated that if anyone serves Buddha or follows the commandments correctly, recites Buddhist scriptures, and makes a vow to be reborn, they will enter Nirvana at the end of their life. They will be enlightened in spirit. Everyone wants to have a good afterlife by entering Nirvana. In order to enter Nirvana, according to the Buddhist teachings, they must behave good and follow the teachings of Buddha, which make people behave good. This is written during 350 CE which is during the state of war and rebellion, and the teachings of Buddha act as a part to help China unify. From Document 4, which is written during the war and rebellion state also, the writer is saying that Buddhism is not what to compare with Confucianism which shows how people start to question about Buddhism, which is the reason why the author wrote this document. He wrote it as a…
At the beginning of the 1st century C.E ., when Buddhism began to spread from India to China, it encountered mixed results. Many Chinese had accepted the practice of Buddhism and stood by its policies when others were penetrating Buddhism's absence from past beliefs and used it as a pushover for social and political problems. Still others stayed impartial, wanting to mesh the differences of belief systems in China to create a one of a kind Chinese culture. Documents 2 and 3 support the spread of buddhism in China, while documents 4 and 6 examined and dampened the spread of buddhism in china in the 1st century C.E., Documents 1 and 5 share both sides of the story, discouragements and encouragements of the spread of Buddhism in China, but equally share an understanding. It provides a third prospective.…
Please print out the following documents and group them in a meaningful way and create an outline to tackle your essay.…
Although Buddhism was not accepted when it was first introduced to China, it has its positive aspects and was later on respected. In these documents, the authors- whether they may be a Chinese scholar, Confucian scholar, or a Buddhist scholar- display either animosity towards Buddhism, enthusiasm and encouragement towards the teachings of Buddhism, or a neutral opinion of not only the Buddhist ways, but the Confucian as well.…
Most people today believe that with the passing of the Fourteenth Amendment meant the immediate granting of citizenship to all persons born on American soil. However, it was not until 1898 that the United States Supreme Court concluded that the amendment awarded citizenship to Chinese children born to Chinese immigrants on American Soil. (Foner 659). Just twelve years previously, the courts had finally forced the city of San Francisco to issue business licenses to Chinese immigrants.…
“The Third Noble Truth is the Truth of the Stopping of Sorrow: It is complete stopping of that craving…being released from it, giving no place to it” (Document1). The spread of Buddhism in China was due to the appeal it had on the people and the influence it made on the culture, like the Third Noble Truth states, stopping sorrow leads to one being content and being released from any heavy sorrow weighing you down, a life which describes and explains the spread of this particular religion in China, the way of life appealed to the people. Although many officials and scholars disagreed to the Buddhist ways, it did not stop others from converting and spreading the religion. In this essay I will discuss the spread of Buddhism in China and the impact…
While feudal warlords fought over land, the people of China suffered. Even in the midst of this semi-civil war, they had to deal with the nomadic Mongolians attacking their northern border. The people needed something to put their faith in, and that is where they found Buddhism. In a time of so much death, destruction, and despair, Buddhism alleviated people’s sorrows by explaining how to stop the miseries of their lives through the Four Noble Truths. (Document # 1) People like the scholar Zhi Dun promised that those who followed the Buddhist Scriptures and lived the Buddhist lifestyle would be rewarded with Nirvana, the extinction of desires, and the in the afterlife. (Document # 2) Zhi Dun would have followed Buddhism because the invading nomads were driven by greed to pillage and plunder, that having no desire for material things would lead to peace. Those who converted to Buddhism gave up the Confucian way of life, which put importance on family, property, and having a place in society. In the work, “The Disposition of Error”, a Chinese scholar defends Buddhism by saying these things were decadent luxuries of the bourgeoisies, which only provide a desire for more of the luxurious items/activities. He argued that failure to fulfill desires only leads to sorrow, and that wisdom and the Buddhist way of life could replace those desires, therefore replacing the sorrow. (Document # 3) Due to of all said wondrous promises, and the fact that the…
There are many theories or ideas on who discovered America first. Many people believe it was Christopher Columbus, the Vikings, or in my case some believe that the Chinese arrived here before Columbus. It is believed by some people that Chinese sailors beat Columbus to America by more than 70 years. Anthropologists, archaeologists, historians and linguists have debunked or out ruled much of the evidence that has been gathered over the years to support this theory. It has been named the 1421 Theory.…
This essay will be about the conflicts that happen in the book American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang. There will be one man vs man conflict, and a man vs self in this essay.…
When people think of Asian-Americans, typically people automatically think of just Chinese people or Japanese people. The Asian-American community is made up of not only the Chinese and Japanese, but also Filipino, Indian, Vietnamese, and Korean. The term Asian American was used informally by activists in the 1960s who sought an alternative to the term Oriental, arguing that the latter was derogatory and colonialist. Usually when people say Oriental, they are referring to a food, not a person.…
The responses to the spread of Buddhism in China vary in many ways. Some rejecting the spread, while others supporting it, either way, it spread quickly and effectively. Even though the majority rejected Buddhism, it did not stay that way for long.…
Joseph Freinademetz became a missionary not in Steyl, but rather in China – and the process was very personal and at times painful.…