Image, the wee hours of the morning, a ship sinking and its crew abandoning the vessel in a lifeboat with only the thought of survival, unware of what dangers await them in the darkness of the sea. Ironically this is the grim reality of the men in the story The Open Boat written by Stephen Crane. What makes this story interesting is the fact that Crane was actually a passenger on the Commodore when it sank. During this time in American history it seems to be several shipwrecks along the coast of Florida. For the author he witnessed one of these disasters first hand. Therefore, Crane wrote The Open Boat based on his account of what happened on the fatefully morning when the steamer Commodore sank.…
‘Without obviously aiming for pathos, Crane achieves it. The story, like the seamen, betrays ‘no hurried words, no pallor, no plain agitation,’ but achieves a real sense of loss at its conclusion. Explain how Crane does this.…
Deciding the path on which you wish to tread for the rest of your life is a difficult one and often complications arise. In this short story, the son is unsure of whether his chosen role is the one he truly wants. However, because of the decisions he has made, there is no way to go back across the already charred and blackened bridges of his past. The author develops the idea that when roles are pressed upon individuals, the result may be decisions that are not necessarily desirable to them. In Alistair MacLeod 's "The Boat," the father sacrifices himself in order to give his son the opportunity to choose…
In a world where everything previously known disappeared into ash, anyone would meditate on death. The wife was one to resort to death for comfort, whereas the husband remained faithful to life. Though the husband adopted his wife’s attitude towards death by the end of his life, he still differs from the woman in that he maintained hope for mankind even though he was resigned about his own life. In writing The Road, Cormac McCarthy successfully illustrated the conflict between life and death, hope and…
Stories of survival at sea have captured people’s curiosity and imagination throughout history. The struggles that some seafarers have faced while drifting on the open sea are remarkable. “The Open Boat” by Stephen Crane is the story of four crew members trying to survive on the open sea while in a dinghy after their ship sank. Throughout the story, Crane describes how man and nature react with one another. By his description of their reactions, Crane makes it clear that nature does not care about man’s well being.…
1. outline key points of theories about the emotional and psychological processes that indviduals and key people may experience with approach of death…
In his short story, 'The Open Boat,' Stephen Crane displays to us a universe completely indifferent to the affairs of humankind; we live in an apathetic world, in which man has to fight and struggle to live. The characters illustrated in the story come face-to-face with this indifference and all are nearly overcome by nature's lack of concern with humanity. The survivors are alive primarily through determination and cooperation. We as human are alive because our constant struggles to co-exist in this universe. Crane illustrates to readers how we are all in an endless battle for our life in a world that doesn’t seem to care for us, as much as we care for ourselves.…
Healthcare provider interact with people who are experiencing and dealing with grief every day. Stress and grief are normal reactions when someone has died, diagnosed with a critical illness, or even sent home on hospice knowing that death is imminent. “Grief is a normal and natural internal reaction to a loss of any kind. Grief is the conflicting feelings caused by the end of or change in a familiar pattern of behavior” (Athan, 2011). In this paper the author will discuss Kubler-Ross’ 5 stages of Grief; Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression…
Denial - on first hearing of the death there may be disbelief. The person may hang on to the hope that the deceased will walk in as normal. Numbness and shock may also be felt. Again, this particular process can be applied to any kind of loss not just death.…
First I am going to give a little bit of overview about how people other than myself feel about death and what they think death really is. “The word death comes from Old English deað, which in turn comes from Proto-Germanic *dauþaz (reconstructed by etymological analysis). This comes from the Proto-Indo-European stem *dheu- meaning the 'Process, act, condition of dying'.” ( There are also said to be many different processes that actually consider someone dead. Physiological death is seen as a process not just an event. In this process there is a dividing line between life and death that depends on factors beyond the presence or absence of vital signs. Clinical death is not necessary or sufficient for a determination of legal death. Someone that has a working heart and lungs determined to be brain dead can be pronounced legally dead without clinical death occurring. The medical definition of death becomes more problematic, paradoxically, as scientific knowledge and medicine advance. There are also different signs of death or strong indications that a person is no longer alive such as cessation of breathing, cardiac arrest, pallor mortis, livor mortis, algor mortis, rigor mortis, and decomposition. Cardiac arrest is having no pulse, pallor mortis is paleness which happens in the 15-120 minutes after death, livor mortis is a settling of the blood in the lower portion of the body, algor mortis is the reduction in body…
They were significantly higher with grief in the categories of atypical response, despair, anger/hostility, guilt, loss of control, rumination, somatization, loss of vigor, physical symptoms, and optimism/despair. Males and females had about the same response to grief in the categories of denial social desirability, social isolation, death anxiety and loss of appetite (Thompson, L. W., Gallagher-Thompson, D., Futterman, A., Gilewski, M. J., & Peterson, J.,…
Of all human stages of development and transition, none of them has profound effect and overwhelming disturbance as death. The surviving members of the deceased’s family and other close loved ones are always at a loss and the grieving that ensues thereafter is of untold emotional torment (Sherman et al., 2003). On the spiritual perspective, death is mourned with the recluse and thought of continuance of life after death. Death is increasingly being viewed as a rite of passage and is not a finality as previously perceived in the preceding ages of our current generations. However, this perspective is speculative in nature for there is no living human being that has marched on with the personal study of the afterlife and come back to life in human…
People die everyday all over the world. In United States, people use hundreds of different words to describe death. Generally, people that grow up in the United States tend to view death as a taboo subject and are seen as a topic that should be kept behind closed doors and contracted with an individual or family. A belief system that so many individuals hold to be true has been shaped over the past century. In this culture, death has become something that is enormously feared and as a result, some people stop living their lives to his or her highest potential because of their fear of dying. The effect that death has pertains to individuals of all ages, gender and ethnicities. But unfortunately, how death is viewed it has become more and more difficult for parents to talk with their children about death. Many parents not enough to talk or discuss death to their children until someone close to family dies, but even then children are simply told that someone they know has pasted away. Children have a very difficult time to understanding what death really means and must learn how deal with lose of someone they know internally.…
It is a part of life that is inevitable. At birth, we are promised physical death. The hooded soul collector walks by our side everyday waiting for the slip up, carefully digging our grave, but one thing we don’t know if he is digging slowly with his hands to give us a full life or does he have a machine pulling up six feet of dirt in one swoop. At some point in time, everyone has to go through life's unlimited events. The biggest is definitely death, but how we finally handle our own demise may be different form others. In the end, one can come up with various excuses on how to deal with dying, but when someone is faced with death, their human instincts take over.…
Another issue is confronting death to understand the process of death. Kubler Ross has come up with a very popular theory with five stages an individual may go through dealing with the dying process. The five steps that Kubler Ross uses are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance (Feldman, 2014). When a person who is recently told that they have limited time to live due to an illness, accident, etc. the individual may at first be in denial because they think it’s a mistake and deny everything that the doctor just told…