grow as a person, whether you realize it or not. When you were a child and had been on this earth for around a year or so, your parent had been by your side almost the entire time. You had been in a safe bubble where you always had something or someone to hold you and make sure you were stable. But when your parents squatted to the ground and stood you up and tried to get you to walk from parent A to parent B, you weren't so safe anymore. You had to balance yourself and do something that you weren't use to. But had you never done it, you more then likely would not be where you are today. This is a memory that no one really remembers happening, though you know it did. It was such a huge milestone that has made you grow so much without even realizing. You make a lot of decisions through out the day, everyday, that actually impact your life quite a bit. Had you never trusted your parent to be there to catch you if you fell, you would have never walked. Had you never walked, you would have never ran or learned to ride a bike. Life is all about chances. If you choose to take a chance or not is what makes you grow or shrink as a person.
grow as a person, whether you realize it or not. When you were a child and had been on this earth for around a year or so, your parent had been by your side almost the entire time. You had been in a safe bubble where you always had something or someone to hold you and make sure you were stable. But when your parents squatted to the ground and stood you up and tried to get you to walk from parent A to parent B, you weren't so safe anymore. You had to balance yourself and do something that you weren't use to. But had you never done it, you more then likely would not be where you are today. This is a memory that no one really remembers happening, though you know it did. It was such a huge milestone that has made you grow so much without even realizing. You make a lot of decisions through out the day, everyday, that actually impact your life quite a bit. Had you never trusted your parent to be there to catch you if you fell, you would have never walked. Had you never walked, you would have never ran or learned to ride a bike. Life is all about chances. If you choose to take a chance or not is what makes you grow or shrink as a person.