In my opinion, I agree with Dinesh D’Souza because he made some valid points. Racism still does exist but not to the point where it can hold African Americans back. African American has come so far to the point where our county an African America president have. We have control on our own life and future then we had in the past. If you are not successful it’s not because of your skin color it’s because of you. In the past a black man could not even think about a white woman but now in our generation when have interracial marriage. Also I believe that African Americans suggest racism to get sympathy do American can feel sorry from society. Both Dinesh D’Souza and Derrick Bell agree that racism still exists. For instance, the Trayvon incident when a white man shots a black boy because he was wearing a hoodie. They still just made an arrest for his killing. Also you still have a person who gets scared when they see an African American that is behind them. In these articles, both author made some valid points. Bell talks about how racism still exists in this generation. That people from different race looks down upon African American. Bell using data from 1990 that measures the poverty, unemployment and income that states blacks do not even make two thirds of white’s income. If blacks own their own business are three times more likely to
In my opinion, I agree with Dinesh D’Souza because he made some valid points. Racism still does exist but not to the point where it can hold African Americans back. African American has come so far to the point where our county an African America president have. We have control on our own life and future then we had in the past. If you are not successful it’s not because of your skin color it’s because of you. In the past a black man could not even think about a white woman but now in our generation when have interracial marriage. Also I believe that African Americans suggest racism to get sympathy do American can feel sorry from society. Both Dinesh D’Souza and Derrick Bell agree that racism still exists. For instance, the Trayvon incident when a white man shots a black boy because he was wearing a hoodie. They still just made an arrest for his killing. Also you still have a person who gets scared when they see an African American that is behind them. In these articles, both author made some valid points. Bell talks about how racism still exists in this generation. That people from different race looks down upon African American. Bell using data from 1990 that measures the poverty, unemployment and income that states blacks do not even make two thirds of white’s income. If blacks own their own business are three times more likely to