Holden Caulfield is J.D. Salinger’s main character in The Catcher in the Rye. We learn several interesting things about Holden, however, while learning the these we are not experiencing or seeing what Holden is. We learn about it through Holden’s perspective throughout the entire story like, for example, the death of his younger brother, Allie or the time James Castle committed suicide by jumping out of the school window. Most of these experiences have a significant meaning behind them and we find these out by reading the book. We get to know Holden in a personal way. While reading, comprehending, and understanding Holden’s emotions towards the encounters he has with the characters in this book, which makes it very interesting.…
Holden Caulfield is seventeen year old caucasian male from New York City who recently has flunked out of another private boarding school then ran away and spent a weekend alone in the New York City drinking heavily. Caulfield describes himself during this week as being fed up and done with all people. From a rational perspective, nothing Caulfield did or thought during this week were the actions of a lucid person. Because of Caulfield’s impulsive scattered thinking he is clearly a threat to himself. My diagnosis is that he is suffering from both an anxiety disorder and posttraumatic stress disorder, luckily there are treatment steps he can take to help cope with his issue, these include medications and different types of psychological therapy.…
This is the first psychiatric hospital admission for the patient, Holden Caulfield, a 17 year-old male, at Massachusetts General Hospital. The subject freely admitted himself to the care facility at 13:00 on November 28, 1958, with the company of his parents-whose consent was necessary given Holden's legal status as a minor. His induction will be taking place without any incident. Within the time of his arrival, Holden appeared to be quite exhausted and dilapidated. He was wearing woolen slacks and a warm jacket, yet appeared to be suffering from some sort of intense disturbance. His walk was slow and his gait guarded, as if he expected an attack at any moment; he appeared lucid, and sarcastic as well as confused, however, did not mask his above average intelligence. This became specifically apparent to the nurses assigned to his immediate care. The patient has also displayed a penchant for sarcastic comments, especially regarding “phonies”-at this time, we remain unsure of whom he is referring to when he uses this terminology.…
In The Catcher in the Rye by J.D Salinger, Holden Caulfield is a very engaging character. He relates to many tennagers but in a quirky and bizarre way. He tells everything like he sees it. There is no sugarcoating and no censoring to his thoughts. He deals with issues like many of us as children, but whether he deals with them well and overcomes them is the tricky part.…
After studying the patient, Holden Caulfield, for several days in daily therapeutic sessions, I have concluded that the patient is suffering from Dysthemic Disorder. A person who has Dysthymic Disorder generally has had a variety of depressive symptoms for at least two years. Although Dysthymic Disorder does not have a clear cause one of the common contributing factors, which I believe is applicable to Holden, are traumatic experiences. I believe Holden’s depression began…
When someone is young, they tend to have innocence about them. As children grow up, they no longer possess this natural innocence. Exposure to all of the hatred in the world causes this loss. Holden Caulfield realizes this simple fact, as he himself grows up, and has a difficult time with the change. He experiences problems with communication as well as his school work. A common theme used throughout The Catcher in the Rye has to do with contradictions Holden makes. In J.D. Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye, first person point of view is used to highlight contradictions Holden makes throughout the novel.…
Holden is the protagonist in the novel, Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger (1945). Holden is a character who tries to seek for dignity, but he has some flaws holding him back. Holden is passive and unwilling to examine himself and seek his own dignity. Three reasons for his tragic flaw are: his craziness, his immaturity, and his phoniness and madman stuff.…
Holden Caulfield is an extremely unique character. Through his inability to conform to the rules of the adult world that he is sucked into, he frequently criticizes people and is extremely judgemental to those around him. He calls people who reject him “phonies”, as a way to psychologically defend himself to control his emotions and preserve his childhood. His innocence that he unknowingly tries to protect constantly reminds us of his juggling between childhood and adulthood. He is sucked into and fascinated by the adult world, but still has the actions and emotions of a child. As we progress through the book though, his opinions and judgements slowly change and widen, which reveals the first steps of his “hero’s quest”.…
Holden Caulfield is a teenager who is struggling to fit into adult society. This is evident from very early on in the book when Salinger immediately characterises Holden as a very judgmental and cynical person. Examples from the very first page include when Holden refers to his brother D.B as a prostitute because he writes scripts for movies. He then continues “I there’s one thing I hate, it’s the movies. Don't even mention them to me”. He doesn’t even give his brother the benefit of the doubt over his occupation, and it is through phrases like this where Salinger creates the characterisation of Holden as a judgmental and stubborn personality. This is further continued throughout the novel where Holden continually uses the phrase “phony”, to refer to other people. He perceives the world as superficial, whereas it is his views on society that are lacking depth. This immediate characterisation of Holden by Salinger…
Holden Caulfield is a phony. Even though the story is being told from his point of view we can conclude that he is fake. Not only is he an impulsive liar but he is a great hypocrite. He has no remorse about any of his actions towards people, and everything and everyone he meets is a phony in his eyes. Holden Caulfield can never say anything truly good about anyone, he always has something to bring them down. Even little things upsets him, like when Mr. Spencer, Holden’s old teacher at Pencey Prep, “started going into this nodding routine”, he said “You never saw anyone nod as much in your life as Old…
Holden Caulfield, the novel’s protagonist, is a pivotal character in The Catcher in the Rye. Holden is characterized as an innocent, apathetic, naive teen who is seeking knowledge of life and the meaning of becoming an adult. Holden’s struggle with seeing the genuine nature of people is something that acts as a barrier for him throughout the novel. Holden is troubled and burdened throughout the story, which causes him to have a warped view on an array of subjects. Holden passes strict judgement on everyone, as he struggles to transition from adolescence to adulthood. Holden appears to be stunned when he sees how different the life of an adult is comparison to that of children. His views on topics such as, life, his future, and sex. Holden approaches each of these subjects with strict views, and feels dejected when he realizes there are more multiple perspectives to these topics.…
He sees adults and friends who succumb to these norms, and he outwardly looks down upon them and call them phonies of society. As an author, J.D. Salinger created Holden Caulfield as a character to challenge the expected norms of this time period, and as a whole, the novel addresses the challenge of accepting societal norms and diverging from norms to create a different lifestyle. For Holden, although many other reasons attribute to his refusal to accept society, he mainly believes that the 1950’s American Dream culture valuing marriage, family and education is not one that he wishes to be associated with. It is also crucial to note that by the end of the novel, Holden ends up in a mental institution, the location from which he narrates Catcher in the Rye. This element of the novel is crucial to our understanding of Holden as a character; he seems to have rejected the values and views of the post-war era so intensely, he is literally unable to function and has been…
In the book The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, the main character, Holden Caulfield, has strange tendencies that could be diagnosed as a mental disorder or multiple disorders. Thinking like a psychiatrist, this book has plenty to dissect. Reading a classic, such as Catcher, can really draw the reader into the story and make them feel like they are a part of that world. Holden Caulfield’s world has a lot going on.…
Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye reveals a teenager’s dramatic struggle against death and growing up. The book is composed of stories after the protagonist Holden Caulfield’s expulsion from a private school. He leaves school early to explore New York before returning home, interacting with teachers, prostitutes, nuns, an ex-girlfriend and his sister along the way. We characterize Holden as an innocent child that possesses an ideal fantasy of becoming a catcher in the rye, protecting an unsophisticated world of love, passion and justice. It seems Holden, a “guardian” towards childhood and innocence is the hero or “catcher” without any questions. Throughout the entire book, however,…
Holden Caulfield, a cynical and paradoxical teenager not ready to embrace adulthood goes on a journey to explore the phoniness of the adult world. J.D. Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye published in 1951 reflects on Holden as a child as well as an adult. His neglection of adulthood and his blindness on the innocence of youth presents a great challenge in his life. The bulk of the novel displays Holden, a 16 year old teenager who just flunked out of Pencey Prep fleeing to his hometown, New York City in hope of staying at a hotel for a few days before revealing his expulsion to his parents. Throughout his stay, Holden has unusual encounters with past colleagues, his former neighbor, his sister Phoebe, and his old teachers. From these encounters, Holden acquires different perspectives on life and adulthood.…