The author is currently undertaking post graduate course in mentorship to develop their knowledge and skills in mentorship. The author is currently working as a community staff nurse visiting patients within their own homes and has worked alongside students since qualifying as an adult nurse five years ago. Since qualifying as an adult nurse the author has showed an interest in developing their mentoring skills.
A reflection will be completed on a personal experience of mentoring a student within the community environment using the Gibbs reflection cycle (Johns, 2009). The learning environment will be discussed and how the learning experience was managed will be reflected upon. Whilst all nurses can mentor those with less experience than themselves, this essay will focus on the student nurse mentor experience (Loads, 2006).
For the purpose of this assignment pseudonyms will be used to ensure confidentiality is maintained in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (NMC, 2008).
The term mentor comes from the Greek Mythology however mentoring originated from the stone age when people would pass on their own knowledge to teach others in order for skills to be passed on through generations (Killgallon and Thompson, 2012; Grossman, 2007).
The NMC (2008a) identifies that nurses have a duty to facilitate students learning in order for them to develop and complete competencies. However, from personal experience as a student it can be identified that some nurses on the professional
References: Andrews, M. & Wallis, M. (1999) Mentorship in nursing: a literature review Journal of Advanced Nursing 29, 1, 201-207. Anderson L (2011) A learning resource for developing effective mentorship in practice Nursing Standard. 25, 51, 48-56. Aston, L. & Hallam, P. (2011) Successful Mentoring in Nursing Learning Matters Ltd: Exeter Baillie, L Boctor, L. (2013) Active-learning strategies: The use of a game to reinforce learning in nursing education. A case study Nurse Education Practice 13, 2, 96-100 Bradbury-Jones, C., Irvine, F Burton, N., L. (2006) Clinical Skills for OSCE’s {4th Ed} Scion Publishing Ltd: Banbury Casey, D Duffy, K. (2003) Failing students: a qualitative study of factors that influence the decisions regarding assessment of students’ competence in practice London: UKCC Elcock, K Gray, M., A. & Smith, L., N. (2000) The qualities of an effective mentor from the student nurse’s perspective: findings from a longitudinal qualitative study Hall, J. (2006) Mentorship in the Community Journal of Community Nursing 20, 7, 10-12 Jervis, A Johns, C. (2009) Becoming a Reflective Practitioner {3rd Ed} Wiley-Blackwell: Oxford Killgallon, K Loads, D. (2006) Developing Mentorship through Collaboration learning Disability Practice 9, 3, 16-18 Leyshon, S Lovett, W. & Gidman, J. (2011) Reflecting on the learning experiences of student nurses in rural Uganda British Journal of Community Nursing 16, 4, 191-195 McVeigh, H., Ford. K., O’Donnell, A., Rushby, C. & Squance, J.(2009) A framework for mentor support in community-based placements. Nursing Standard. 23, 45, 35-41. Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) (2008a) Standards to Support Learning and Assessment in Practice London: NMC Nursing and Midwifery (2010) Standards for Pre-Registration Nursing Education London: NMC Price, A. & Price, B. (2009) Role modelling practice with students on clinical placements. Nursing Standard 24, 11, 51–6 Pritchard, E Royal College of Nursing (RCN) (2007) Guidance for Mentors of Nursing Students and Midwives: An RCN Toolkit London: RCN Wilkes, Z