When McMurphy is talking with the lifeguard he realizes that the nurse has all the power and that she decides when he will leave unlike jail were the judge says that someone would have to stay for whatever number of month (in McMurphy's case six) and after that time has come the person is free, he also must the be committed so he could get out faster, McMurphy then thinks it over “he’d had a six months’ sentence at the work farm with two more months finished, four more to go….. he’d been close to a month in this nuthouse and it might be a lot better than a work farm….. but it wasn’t better to the point that he’d want to spend a couple of years here”(Kesey 171). Which proves that he now realizes that he can’t get out unless the nurse wants him
to so he,“ went to work on the hall floors when the black boys asked him to”( 172). This affects his behavior in the next meeting because normally he would talk back to the nurse but, “when Cheswick said “I ain't no little kid to have cigarettes kept from me like cookies!....right Mack?” and waited for McMurphy to back him up, all he got was silence”( 172). of Kasey makes it clear that the combines power is directly related to McMurphy’s apparent weakness by writing, “whatever it was went haywire in the mechanism, they’ve just about got fixed again… I can see the white hands of the Big Nurse float over the controls”(181). This shows that because McMurphy backed down for now and the nurse was able to remove all of the monkey wrenches including the biggest one (McMurphy) from slowing down the Combine Machine which made it easier to run everything like it did before McMurphy.
to so he,“ went to work on the hall floors when the black boys asked him to”( 172). This affects his behavior in the next meeting because normally he would talk back to the nurse but, “when Cheswick said “I ain't no little kid to have cigarettes kept from me like cookies!....right Mack?” and waited for McMurphy to back him up, all he got was silence”( 172). of Kasey makes it clear that the combines power is directly related to McMurphy’s apparent weakness by writing, “whatever it was went haywire in the mechanism, they’ve just about got fixed again… I can see the white hands of the Big Nurse float over the controls”(181). This shows that because McMurphy backed down for now and the nurse was able to remove all of the monkey wrenches including the biggest one (McMurphy) from slowing down the Combine Machine which made it easier to run everything like it did before McMurphy.