Danny has just shot Reuven in his eyes, the coach of Reuven, Mr Galanter and Reuven are furious, the Referee says: ‘Time-out, Reuven and Danny come over here! Let’s fix this brawl right now.’ Danny says just before I want to say that I hate him: ‘Before you tell me how much you hate me, I’m really sorry and I want to apologize me and talk about it.’ I react very angry: ‘Sure we have talk, tell me why did you do that? I could be blind, it was a game not a battlefield. Danny: ‘I’m sorry, it wasn’t expecting that this would happen.’ This makes me even more angery: ‘Of course, you just said to me that you told your team: ‘We’re going to kill your apikorosim this afternoon.’ And you did, you shot a ball deliberately in my eye or …show more content…
What is wrong with this boy I don’t understand it: ‘Are you crazy or something?’ Danny: ‘No?’ This makes me more savage : ‘Well tell me how does it feels to make someone almost blind?’ Danny answered sad: What do you want me to say, if you want me to …show more content…
The quote, “[My father] taught me with silence. . .to look into myself, to find my own strength, to walk around inside myself in company with my soul. . . . One learns of the pain of others by suffering one’s own pain … by turning inside oneself. . . . It makes us aware of how frail and tiny we are and of how much we must depend upon the Master of the Universe’’, is said by Reb Saunders, that father and tsaddik of a Hasidic Synagogue. This how the family of Danny let their child tear that would be the next Tzaddik. I think this wouldn’t be a motte of live your life. It will maybe learn you the pain of others by suffering one’s own pain etc. but I think you can tear your child on a different, better way. I cannot imagine that my father would never talked to me except for when we study. It would give me a weaker personality and I think it’s not fear to the person because in the story the brother and sister of Danny don’t get taught is silence. I would have so many things to say to my father but you can’t. It’s not a good motte to life your life because a part of our life will