
An Analysis Of The Beard Invasion

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For years, the clean-cut man-boy was ruling the runway. Parted hair, waifish waist, skin smooth as a Botoxed three-year-old. Then a gritty crew rolled in and changed the game. With it, the beard invasion began. Whether we're talking about a thick, irreverent Galifianakis or a jawline-amping mown lawn, a beard is just about the most on-trend accessory you can pull on this season. And while they look great on a beanie-and-cardigan-wearing gang like Fleet Foxes, they're not just for dudes who dress down. "When a guy wears one with a suit, it's just like, whoa is that sexy," GQ fashion director Madeleine Weeks explains. "They give you this handsome, don't-mess-with-me appeal. Just look at Jeff Bridges, Paul Newman, and Cat Stevens (pictured above).

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