I. Title: “An Analysis of The Different Factors Affecting Consumer Decision Making Process of Makati Residents When Purchasing Electronic Gadgets”
Suggested revisions:
An Analysis on the Correlation of Buyer’s Characteristics and Preferences When Purchasing Mobile Phones
An Analysis on the Correlation of Buyer’s Characteristics, Environmental Factors and Buying Preferences When Purchasing Mobile Phones
II. Statement of the Problem
1. What are the characteristics of Makati Residents in terms of:
a) Personal
i. Gender ii. Age and Life cycle iii. Nature of job iv. Lifestyle1
v. Personality and Self concept
b) Cultural
i. Religion ii. Social Class iii. Social group
c) Social
i. Reference Groups ii. Family iii. Roles and Status
d) Psychological
2. What are the environmental factors that could affect Makati residents’ buying preferences?
a) Economic
b) Cultural
c) Political
d) Technological
3. How do the following marketing strategies of mobile phone marketers affect buying preferences of Makati residents?
a) Brand
b) Product specifications/ features
c) Promotions
d) Price
e) Store Location
f) Product distribution/ availability
4. How do the Makati residents’ characteristics influence their preferences when purchasing mobile phones?
5. What marketing strategies may be proposed for Mobile phone suppliers/marketers that would satisfy consumers’ preferences?
III. Hypothesis
IV. Significance of the Study
The researchers believe that the outcome of this study would be a significant contribution:
• To students: this study may serve as a future reference for researches related to consumer buying behaviour and buyer decision-making process.
• To gadget entrepreneurs: this proposal may show which marketing strategies are be effective to specific target markets, with Makati residents as the sample population
• To local manufacturer of gadgets: understanding of consumers’ decision making