Professor Rosales
ENGL 3173
January 23, 2013
An Analysis of the Little Prince by Antoine De Saint-Exupery
The Little Prince or Le Petit Prince was inspired by the author Antoine de Saint Exupery’s real life experience and just added fictionalized images to make it real and understandable. It became the marvelous book written for children. Sold over 140,000,000 copies worldwide into more than 250 languages and has been one of the best-selling books published ever. According to Paris-based Saint-Exupery Foundation, "The Little Prince" is the most translated book in history after The Bible. It also known as “children’s fable for adult” as it conveys profound and idealistic views in human nature and its settings. Until now, The Little Prince is still the most advisable book not only for the children but also to the adults to read. Antoine de Saint Exupery was a French aviator and writer who became more popular with this novella, which was written in year 1943. After failing in a university preparatory school and was not able to pursue his real dream to become a naval officer. He entered into a different field which is architecture but still resulted in failures and he did not even graduated. In 1921, he started his military service and was sent to Strasbourg for training as a pilot. In 1926 he became one of the pioneers of international postal flight. Until an accident happened in 1935 wherein a sudden machine failure strike and crashed it in the Libyah Sahara desert. In four days of experiencing dehydration, there was a Bedouin on a camel discovered them and saved their lives. The book begins with the narrator, which is the Pilot reminiscing the days when he was a six year old boy. He was trying to draw a boa constrictor and shows it to the grown-ups, but they always advise that he should stop dreaming to become an artist instead he should
References: * Adamson, Thomas Little Prince ' discovery offers new insight into classic book, The Times Tribune May 2012 * De Saint- Exupery, Antoine, The Little Prince, B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd. © * Goodreads, The Little Prince * Wahlig, Hannah, Types of Approaches in Literary Analysis, * Wikipedia, Antoine De Saint-Exupery * Wikipedia, The Little Prince