Fiction as defined in our textbook is a name for stories not entirely factual, but at least partially shaped, made-up, or imagined. Fiction stories can sometimes take the mind to places that are far away from reality, but add a lesson that aids in real-life application. In this essay I will discuss the three traditional forms of storytelling, which are fables, parables, and tales.
Well to begin with the fable is known as a brief story that sets forth some pointed statement of truth. The truth in these short stories are not directly stated but are hidden beneath the words. The Fable is also a short story that starts out really specific then leads to really general things, this literary device is called Inductive. The Fable has a variety of characters such as nature, supernatural forces, talking animals, and humans. Aesop gives life to the sun and the wind. They were in a competition to see which one could get the traveler to strip from his cloak. The wind blew as hard as it could to no avail, but the traveler kept his cloak on. The sun did not apply so much force, but used more “persuasion” to cause the traveler to strip from his cloak. The moral of the story is that persuasion is better than force. The life that was given to the sun and the wind was the fiction part of the fable, but the moral was factual and can be applied to everyday life.
The Parable like the Fable is a brief narrative that teaches a moral, but unlike the fable, its plot is plausibly realistic, and the main characters are human rather than anthropomorphized animals or natural forces. Because the Parable only has one kind of character it is the fewest of the three kinds of fiction writing. I, myself, take personal interest in parables because Jesus speaks in parables in the Holy Bible. Parables, unlike fables, usually do not have one set moral, but can be open to several different interpretations. This would explain why several different Pastors can