Fields: sociolinguistics
A. Background of the Study
Too fast and too furious film is one of the most amazing films in 2003 year. This film was directed by John singleton. He is a famous director in the world. He had been directing many films. This film was become a winner by many awards held in Hollywood, such as BMI film music award in 2004, breakthrough male performance 2003, won teen choice award, golden reel award, best sound editing in domestic features dialogue ADR and so on.
This film tells about the adventure of two spies to break a drug syndicate. Brian O'Connor (Paul Walker) was kicked off the force for his little stunt in the Fast and the Furious and has been on the run ever since. He fled all the way to Florida, where he became friends with Tej (Ludacris), the man who knew where all the action was. Before too long, Brian couldn't even find anyone who would race against him and the word was out. The cops grabbed Brian and made him an offer - help them with a case or go to jail. The cops have been trying to nab the premier drug dealer in the area, Carter Verone (Cole Hauser), for some time, but haven't been able to make anything stick. Conveniently, Mr. Verone is looking for some drivers to make drops for him and that is where Brian comes in. Brian takes the deal, but on one condition - this his buddy, Roman Pierce (Tyrese), gets a piece too. Before they know it, Brian and Roman are in way over their heads as they combat fellow street racers, sexy undercover cops, an insane boss who is not above torture and the fast, furious life in Miami.
This film is very amazing film. The actors and the actress act like they are the real character in the film. In this film we will find another world of spoken language called language style. They use their own language style in their community. They talk with an interesting tones and intonations each other. They
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