Motivation, job satisfaction and performance are driven by: the employer and employees. Employers control the output provided to the employees and the employee bring morels, values, personal beliefs, education, and experience. Increasing employee motivation can increase job satisfaction and performance. “Motivation refers to forces within an individual that account for the level, direction, and persistence of effort expended at work (Schermerhorn, Hunt, and Osborn, 1997).” Motivation is the key to creating an environment in which optimal performance is possible (, 2010).…
Employee participation, where employees are shareholders, promotes long-term interests of the company. Probably this leads to good corporate governance, which helps to keep the company in the long term. Anyone who has company, where employs are the shares, of course, wants to complete enterprise data and participation in company decisions transparent.…
In business world, motivation for employees in an organization is one of the facts of how effectively and efficiently tasks are accomplished. Motivation is the process that accounts for an individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal (Robbins and Judge, 2006). Every individual is different with different personality and background and it is very important for the management to understand what can motivate and satisfy each individual in the organization that can help their performance boost into a cohesive and effective workforce. Different kind and level of motivation can influence work performance and result in job satisfaction in their organization; it is commonly believed that the most satisfaction is directly tied to the money that the employees are receiving. Promotion is another big motivation for the employees which are also related to money. Other than money reward or promotion, Quast (2012) recommends five tips to management for motivating employees.…
Employee motivation is an issue that organizations face on a day to day basis. It can cause job dissatisfaction and turnovers for an organization. Organizations should develop strategies that would increase innovation, recognize the value of teamwork, and equally reward and motivate employees. How well an organization handles issues that may arise from employees can mean the difference between an energized, productive workforce and a languid non-productive one.…
Employees have different needs and different desires which create different motivational problems for all employees. A manager must resort to different means of motivating employees based on diversity, culture and goals. Motivation is defined as the processes that account for an individual’s intensity, direction, and persistence of effort toward attaining a goal (Robbins & Judge, 2007). I am personally motivated by advancement…
Employee motivation has always been an issue, I believe, for leaders and managers. Unmotivated employees are likely to spend little or no effort in their jobs, avoid the workplace as much as possible, exit the organization if given the opportunity and produce low quality work. On the other hand, employees who feel motivated to work are likely to be persistent, creative and productive, turning out high quality work that they willingly undertake. Reality however is that every employee has different ways to become motivated and as leaders and managers we need to get to know, and understand, our employees well and be able to use different tactics to motivate each of them based on their personal wants and needs.…
In any organization the key role of managers is the motivation of their personnel. This can be done in many different ways. This section will discuss three academic theories on how to properly motivate employees.…
Manzoor, Q. (2012). Impact of Employees Motivation on Organizational Effectiveness. Business Management & Strategy (BMS), 3(1), 1-12. doi:10.5296/bms.v3i1.904…
It is important for the top management to develop strong relationship between the organization and employees to fulfill the continuous changing needs of both parties. Organizations expect employees to follow the rules and regulations, work according to the standards set for them, and the employees expect good working conditions, fair pay, fair treatment, secure career, power and involvement in decisions. These expectations of both parties vary from organization to organization. For organizations to address these expectations an understanding of employees’ motivation is required Beer, (1984).…
Motivation is the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way, it underlines what employees choose to do and how much effort they put into accomplishing the job. Employee motivation is an important part of managing employees. This is because motivation can be directly linked to job performance. An employee's performance typically is influenced by…
This essay will critique the competitive strategy of Netflix, using two equally weighted questions, and using where appropriate cited theories, concepts and techniques discussed on the course and supporting and cited sources of evidence. Netflix was founded in Scott’s Valley, California in 1997. Netflix Inc. is a provider of on-demand Internet streaming media available to viewers in all of North America, South America and parts of Europe, and of flat rate DVD-by-mail in the United States, where mailed DVDs are sent via Permit Reply Mail.…
The employees need to be motivated to produce the maximum result. Most managers often make the mistake of assuming that monetary incentive is the one aspect required by the employees…
For this paper, I will like to present it as a case study situation, where I am the consultant that created and helped implement a motivation schemes for unit workers of a manufacturing factory in Nigeria.…
The problem of motivation and job satisfaction in Nigerian organizationsespecially in Dangote cement plc, gboko plant is that of poor productivity,and performance. it centered on poor environmental conditions, nonmonetary incentives, poor working schedules, and high level of stress. It istherefore in view of this that the researcher seeks to examine this problemunderstudy. The objective of this study therefore, is to expose those factorsthat are responsible for poor level of motivation and job satisfaction inorganizations. The methodology applied for testing the formulated hypothesis is the simple correlation analysis. In order to achieve this, threehypothesis where formulated from relevant primary and secondary data gathered through questionnaires. A total of 111 questionnaires whereadministered but due some errors only 98 questionnaires where rightlycompleted and returned to the researcher, therefore presentation and dataanalysis is based on the 98 questionnaires returned to the researcher. Major findings show that motivation and job satisfaction brings about employee performance, increased productivity, and job satisfaction of employees. Thiscan be achieved through proper remuneration, in service training, good working relationship between employee and management and recognition of staff in the management process. On the other hand the absence of motivation will result in a poor employee performance, decrease in productivity, poor commitment and job dissatisfaction. It is thereforerecommended that Management must ensure that its employees aremotivated and satisfied with their jobs at a healthy cost. Management should make provision for adequate remuneration, in service training, job security, participatory management, and a conducive and peaceful working environment so that organizational goals can be readily achieved in Dangote cement plc, gboko…
It is important for the top management to develop strong relationship between the organization and employees to fulfill the continuous changing needs of both parties. Organizations expect employees to follow the rules and regulations, work according to the standards set for them, and the employees expect good working conditions, fair pay, fair treatment, secure career, power and involvement in decisions. These expectations of both parties vary from organization to organization. For organizations to address these expectations an understanding of employees’ motivation is required Beer, (1984).…