The day has come, it is time to begin my essay. The assignment is clear to …show more content…
I read it and wonder if I even wrote about the assignment. I try to proof read it but I always catch myself with misspelled word, terrible flow, and I always have contradicting statements. Whenever I think I am done I am not. I try not to spend all my time trying to fix my essay because I feel like it will late by the time it is completely perfect. All I really want to do whenever I finish is just turn it in, I just want to get the assignment over with. After one or two times back over it I have had enough and I am tired of worrying myself about just one assignment. At this point I just turn it in so I don’t have to worry about it.
The writing process is an irritating way to write and because of this it is hard for me to find an exact, never changing writing process. I never get the same exact assignment and I will never have the same writing process for every essay. This process seems too effective enough to get the assignment dine but I know there is always room for