The terror strikes are keeping a very through record of fake encounters, long detention of Muslims of flimsy grounds, and the refused of lawyers (as happened in UP) to defend them.
The Maharashtra government’s failure to punish those responsible for the ’93 Mumbai riots is repeatedly mentioned. For instance: “You try to fool us in the name of fast-track courts made for ’93 riot cases through which you wish to free the actual Hindu culprits like Madhukar Sarpotdar who was caught red-handed with illegal firearms while the innocent Muslims arrested in the bomb blast case are being tried for years and years.” And finally a sentence that many young Muslims, who fit the classic urban profile of angry, isolated and unemployed, would relate to. The Indian Mujahideen ask: “Is this the hellish justice you speak of?”
In fact, most Muslims are close that the radicalized youth are not products of …show more content…
The Indian Muslim may not have been a direct victim of US or Israel action in Iraq, Afghanistan or Palestine. But some of them imbibed the idea and spirit of global jehad. As one western commentator said tongue-in-check, it now increasingly appear that “ all the Muslims of the world have gone nuts,” and it is because US actions across the globe have left Muslims with a deep sense of victimhood.
French commentator Jean Genet had famously stated: “The arrogance of the strong is met by the violence of the weak.” In India, too, the mindset of a small section has been changing. Once the idea of jehad went out in the world, it was only a matter of time before a few Indians tried to create their indigenous