CheckPoint: Ethical Decision Reflection
Points available
Points received
Includes factors to consider
Includes what values led to the decision
Discusses who was impacted by the decision
Discusses the outcome
One of the most important decisions of my life was when I decided to go back to school. I had to take in consideration…
* Describe a specific situation (academic or personal) in which you had to use your moral judgment to make a decision.…
Throughout my life, I have had to make many choices. Some have been quite simple such as, whether to have a cookie or ice cream, or quite difficult such as, trying to decide where I wanted to go to college. All these choices, big or small, have made me who I am today. Certain choices have taught me lessons about what not to do in life, while other choices have made me grow stronger in my moral character. One such choice was whether or not to take part in my church’s mission trip called Impact Virginia. I had the choice between spending a week of my summer relaxing at home, or outside working on houses for people in need. I can honestly say at that time it was a difficult choice. I had never gone on a mission trip, so I had never known how…
At some point everyone has had to make some decision whether personal or professional at some time or another. Making a right choice does not necessarily increase the good for the decision maker. I have had to make decisions that did not always have my best interest at the time, but just because it was ethically right to me is why at that time I made that particular decision.…
There are two problem in the law enforcement scenario. The officers know that in order to arrest an individual for driving while under the influence, the must have seen the individual driving the vehicle in which they did not. The second, to arrest an individual for domestic violence, the officers must have either observed the assault or the victim must injuries that visible. What are the officers to do when there training and experience is telling them that the individual was drinking and driving and the 911 operator indicated the domestic violence has taken place? The officers do not have enough proof for either problem they face.…
In prior readings I remember a quote that said "to make a ethical decision ask yourself, would you be ok with it if it was posted on the front page of your local news paper", If the answer is no, then don 't do it. 6. CHOOSE It 's time to make a decision. If the choice is not immediately clear, use on of the following strategies to make the decision: Talk to people whose judgment you respect. Seek out friends and mentors, but, once you 've gathered opinions and advice, the ultimate responsibility is still yours. What would the most ethical person you know do? Think of the person you know or know of who has the strongest character and best ethical judgment. Then ask yourself: what would that person do in your situation? Think of that person as your decision-making role model and try to behave the way he or she would. I choose to do the right thing which is to pay…
What is an ethical choice? Well, put yourself in the shoes of “Cordelia Williams.” Cordelia is a young teenaged single mother in high school. Her life at this point is an everyday struggle. Living under her mother’s roof, who as well is a struggling single parent caring for Cordelia’s two younger siblings on a minimum wage salary working at the local market.…
Ethics are important in business and the leader has important role in ethical decision making. A success leader is who has the courage to build his or her company to meet the needs of all the stakeholders, and who recognizes the importance of the service to society. The common theme for the leader play in ethical decision making is trust, fairness, and transparency.…
Fraser, J. A., Mathews, B., & Walsh, K. (2009). Factors influencing child abuse and neglect recognition and reporting by nurses: A multivariate analysis. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 47(2), 146-153. Retrieved from http://www.journalofnursing…
A.5.b. Professional school counselors help educate about and prevent personal and social concerns for all students within the school counselor’s scope of education and competence and make necessary referrals when the counseling needs are beyond the individual school counselor’s education and training. Every attempt is…
Working in higher education there are a few moral decisions I have faced. When I started as a higher education professional, there were decisions my department made that I personally disagreed with. Anytime a moral decision was made by the department leadership that I disagree with morally, I made sure I communicated this to my supervisor and we always discuss those concerns as a department after my one on one with my supervisor. As a professional, my moral decision making is based on my beliefs and life experiences. I choose not to change who I was as person or conform to a structure that was not conducive to my development a person or profession. I personally believe in Aristotle virtue ethics, which basically states that the character of a individual is important. Doing the right than at the right time shows the character of the individual.…
The world of morality does not always operate in shades of black and white, more often than not it ventures into realms of different hues of gray. Who should be allowed to decide one’s life? People with faith in the justice system believe that the choice should be left to a judge and jury; people with faith in religion believe the choice can only be made by a god. What about one man? In “Gentlemen, your verdict” by Michael Bruce, Lieutenant-Commander Oram must sacrifice the lives of some of his crew in order to save five men. Furthermore, “The Firing Squad” by Colin McDougall, is about Captain John Adam and how he has to choose between getting his bad records erased forever and starting from scratch or carrying out the execution of Private Jones. The protagonists in the both stories are facing moral dilemma, a sense of duty and their manhood and courage. However, can anyone be allowed to decide the fates of others? And how can we be sure that we have acted morally in a serious situation?…
When taking the self assessment on the ACHE website I learned a few things about myself when it comes to ethical decision making and how I may potentially act in a given situation. One that really stood out was an example from the Colleagues and Staff section of the online assessment and it was the survey statements, “I foster discussions about ethical concerns when they arise” ( I try to always do these is a business setting and that I will bring up concerns to management or a respectable party that can guide the team in the right ethical direction.…
Evaluate a significant experience, achievement, risk you have taken, or ethical dilemma you have faced and its impact on you. (500 word limit) *…
In my scenario, I am a patrol officer in a large, suburban police department. We are dispatched to a local abortion clinic, where “pro life” anti-abortion protestors have formed a human chain around the facility, preventing employees and patients from entering. Moments later, my sergeant arrives and orders all the officers to arrest the protestors for criminal trespass. The dilemma continues because I am a “pro life” supporter and attend pro life meetings at my church with several of the people at the clinic protesting. The question is, “What do I do?”…