The significance of Nokia case study to leadership revealed how a technology communication giant that was an industrial leader could easily be acquired by Microsoft for $7.2 billion US dollars (Versace, 2013; Swisher, 2013). In this analysis, Nokia Corporation deviated from its core competences in terms of technology and from its pedagogical historical data that have catapulted the company from local to national, to international, and then to a global wireless communication giant, now found that it was unable to reinvent its products
? Despite Nokia’s promenade of innovative technologies, why was Technological Situational Happenstances (T.S.H.) not applied to then organization? These myriads of questions will be analyzed, explored and as well synthesized. To start, understanding the historical background of Nokia in a global continuous changing environment of technology was necessary for learners. Nokia was a multinational corporation in the late 21stcentury headquartered in Finland. Nokia was structured into three main business segments. Markedly, the segments included (a) Nokia Mobile Phones, (b) Nokia Networks, and (c) Nokia Ventures Organization. Mobile Phone segment included the development, manufacture, and supply of wireless data products and mobile phones. Globally, Nokia segments’ services had a wide range of mobile phones for the arcade of the analog systems to the digital standards and to the present Jigsaw technology. Nokia most recent advanced research was on Jigsaw emulated pattern-recognition algorithms that could identify wide range of behaviors and logs detailed than past similar applications (Hong, 2010). More than 1.2 billion, over 5% of the world population used Nokia’s device from mobile phones to advanced smartphones and high-performance mobile computers (Aluya, 2013; Versace, 2013). Nokia integrated these devices with innovative services through Ovi, which