Student Name: Damon Boughen
Student Number: 20181689
Course: BA/Hons Business Studies
Supervisor: Tim Peacock
Dissertation Title: An examination of the use of operations management within the British supermarket industry as a means to develop a competitive advantage.
Hand in date: 21st April 2008
This dissertation could not have been completed without the effort of several lectures at the University of Northampton, in particular Tim Peacock. Without his support and supervision this dissertation would not exist. Additional thanks to the many staff, manager and customers at the eight supermarkets visited as without their contribution this dissertation could not have been completed. Many thanks to my parents, friends, family and Sam, without whom I could not have survived the arduous process of completing this dissertation. Finally, a special mention must be made to Ian Daughty, who I will never forget.
Page Number
Title page 1
Acknowledgements 2
Contents 3-7
Abstract 8
Dissertation – Introduction 9 – Literature Review 10-16 – Methodology
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